War Is Coming Communications.

December 14th, 2011

December 14th, 2011

Filtered: Allana, Sam, Ruby, Andy

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So I don't know if any of you have noticed or figured it out yet, but there's a new demon in town. Upper level, I mean - there's lots of the little ones all over the place, a new one of those isn't anything special but I mean, this one's bigger. Like Brady was - or, you, Ruby, kinda feels sort of the same? So I'm guessing it's a replacement for him or something.

I actually have kind of a deal - not like the selling your soul kind because a) I don't think they'd take mine and b) I'm not stupid, I want to live not, you know, be damned... anyway, yeah, I have a deal-thing with it to keep quiet about the fact that it's around, in exchange for information, but I thought you guys should probably know. You know, in case this blows up in my face, so you don't think I was keeping quiet to help them.

If I hear anything useful I'll
I might pass some information along, if

So yeah.

Text to Connor

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Wanna see a Meteor Shower up close?

[ooc:just pretend this was sent in the middle of the night on the 13th.]

Filtered Against Evil

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I made amazing tips tonight. Go me!

It's totes either Christmas spirit or Christmas drunkenness. I'll totes take either too.

[Thor, Needy, Loki]
We're doing Christmas. You guys don't have a choice.

The questions are: who wants to offer their place FOR Christmas, who wants to cover dinner (Dorbs?), and any questions any of you want to throw out!

Filtered to people arriving in the last two weeks

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So, new people, how're you settling in?

I'm Ruby Winchester by the way, I know some of you talked to Sam, and Lexi I know you're busy up at Bobby's so this applies less to you.

Everyone doing okay? Need anything else explained? If not how about you all swing by the complex at say, eight tomorrow evening, come by, we'll set you up with all the info you need about this place

[Filtered against baddies]

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Alright, I'll trade someone a case of Old Milwaukee for a ride home from county holding. No bail, but apparently they're hesitant to release me into my own custody. Something about putting some dick's head through a table last night, I think. I don't really know, might've happened. Any takers?
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