War Is Coming Communications.

September 20th, 2011

September 20th, 2011

Filtered against evil, but to friends & family

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Meet Ashley Grace and Rae Ellen Shurley )

Rae, the one in the purple hat, was born at 5:27am at 5 pounds, 9 ounces and 18". Ashley was born at 5:42am at 5 pounds, 6 ounces and 16". They each have ten fingers, ten toes and are absolutely perfect.

And now? I'm going to sleep for a year. Or maybe just a few hours till they need to be fed again.

filtered against baddies

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Of all the fail going on the the last thing I needed was for my shoes to melt. Joy of joys. This not being able to fly thing is really getting annoyingly money draining.

Filtered Against Evil

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All I wanted was a nice, normal life. Was that so much to ask? A comfortable home, a decent job, a good husband, maybe a couple of kids along the way. I never planned for alien invasions and Apocalypses and crazy men who claim to know me taking over and changing the universe.

I don't suppose the other me, the one who actually belongs here, would mind too terribly if I go shopping on her. If all of this ever gets put right, she'll be the one with new things, so who's to complain?

Filtered against baddies

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Okay.. this is weird. I went into Denny's last night to take over Cindy's waitress shift like we had agreed. But she doesn't seem to remember me. Actually, the manager didn't either. None of them remember me. Well, aside from seeing me there as a customer for breakfast on some days. It's like I never worked there before. I'm not even on their schedule listing in the office area.

Then I went back to my apartment. But the locks were different, plus the landlord acted like they didn't know me either. So.. I stayed at a motel instead. Times like this when I wish Matt and Ginger were here with me. They'd know what to do. Well, most of the time anyway. I need to find a cheaper place since my funds are also not as much as they should be now. Definitely not the same Kansas that I'm used to.

Filtered Against Bad Guys

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I'm thinking of getting a dog. I used to have one when I was growing up in the Vinkus whom I loved dearly. And with the way this place is, it'd be sort of nice to have something to count on.

But I was wondering, do they repress Animals here? I wouldn't want to get a Dog, that has been caged and had its speech ability taken away, by accident.

Filtered to Jess

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Hey gorgeous, what are you doing tonight? I was thinking dinner and a movie, specifically with you. Don't leave me hanging, love, I stayed out of trouble last night, yeah?

text to Dean

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you okay?
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