War Is Coming Communications.

September 12th, 2011

September 12th, 2011

Filtered against evil, or whatever

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Doc, thanks for stitching me up. And thanks Clark for getting me there.

Filtered to Rose, Jo, Faith, Ten, Mark, River, Darcy, Kimberly, Sexy -- er, I mean, TARDIS!

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Remember that post I asked you all to reply to before with your favourite foods? Yes, that. It was just a clever idea for me to get you all grouped in one post, so that I could pull you aside and talk to you a bit about something you might have seen happen on that show of mine.

Donna Noble. If you watched all the way through my Ten's series, you'll know who she is. Loud. Ginger. Yes, that one. The end of her story ends badly and learning of it will only hurt her. Mind you, we're not stupid enough to keep the information from her forever, we're just...putting it off. A bit.

So what I'm going to ask of you all is that you don't say a word to her about it. Don't tell her anything about our show, don't mention what you know about her history, don't even breathe a word about wikipedia, because as far as I'm concerned, that thing is evil.

Though handy, if you don't know your future yet and if you're curious and, what, did you really expect for me to follow my own rules?

Keep it a secret from her. It's important that you do.

filtered to kurt.

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So. It's my birthday on Thursday, did you want to do something? I kinda want it to be quiet, maybe just us? I know that's totally weird for me but, yeeeeeeeah.

now complete with shiny new anti baddie filter provided by Dean. <3

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how does this th
oh words
I don't

[ooc: a blankpost of crazy fun trauma times. She stole a doctors phone. >)]

Filtered to Jessica (As thats the only bit of the name she knows)

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Did I see you say you were medical staff around here?

Dr Martha Jones. Do you need any help in the medbay? Can I be said help?
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