War Is Coming Communications.

May 29th, 2010

May 29th, 2010

Texts From Tonight

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Faith )

Filtered against baddies

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I just checked Buffy's apartment, and I don't think she ever came home last night. I'm starting to freak out a litt The last time she did that, she was seeing Spik She's not answering her phone, either.

Filtered against baddies, Faith, and Dawn

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Faith is possessed. Probably has been for awhile. Andrea and I found both the amulet and the consecrated cross I got her in her locker at the gym. Turns out this particular demon either has some kind of mindfuck spell or a natural ability for it, because I deliberately looked for this stuff on her person more than once and saw them on her, so if any of you run into her, be aware of that in case she can do other tricks with it.

My guess is the demon's got Buffy somewhere. The demon hasn't been back to the motel since she it left last night, so it's either holed up in the same place or somewhere else. Hasn't been to any of Faith's usual hangouts, either, Andrea and I checked those earlier while we were looking for Faith. I don't have any idea where the demon could have her.

Andrea can confirm all of this if asked.

[Filtered to Andrea, the Scoobies, Dean, and the complex heads, and against Dawn:]
I know you guys probably don't trust or like me very much right now, and I get that. You have no idea how guilty I Regardless, Faith is my girlfriend, so I have a vested interest in how this ends up. So I'd like to suggest a plan to you guys. I know, I have a lot of gall to suggest a plan considering I didn't see this happening, but I'm going to anyway.

The demon is going to be wherever Buffy is, most likely. Andrea and I will be taking care of I would really prefer it if Andrea and I took care of the exorcism, so whoever it is that's going to retrieve Buffy, we'll we'd like to go in with them. If the demon is there, we can keep it distracted so you guys can get Buffy out, and if not you guys can extract her and Andrea and I can set up an ambush for the demon. We both have the traps and the Latin down, and we've got the consecrated cross, which I know for a fact does burn demons. So we can handle it. And we will. I have to.

[Filtered to the Scoobies and against Dawn:]
Dawn can't see any of this. I figure it's better she hears this from one of you. If you'd rather she see it here let me know and I'll edit.

Filtered to Xander, Tara, Kendra, Tim, Richie, Sora

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Alright, I think I'm going to need backup. I know if my sister was AWOL I would be out looking for her (I have gone out looking for a missing sister but that's not the point) and I don't think that I can keep an eye on her all the time without it looking like I'm doing that and then she'll know I know something and then I'll have to tell her what I know and that would be bad. So, I'm asking for help. Anyone want to "stop by"? Kendra, I know you're probably going to be out looking for Buffy but you're my friend and Dawn's so I wanted to include you.

Text to Sam

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Heading back to Lawrence now.

Faith's been possessed and she's got Buffy.

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(ooc: All these are sent with Dawn not knowing anything about the possession or kidnapping)

Text to Buffy )

Text to Faith )

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