War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


May 18th, 2012

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Who: Irene and Helena
What: Helena is paying a surprise visit to Irene because pretending she's fine when she isn't is not the way to go. Unless you want her to try to destroy the world, then by all means. >.>
When: Now-ish
Where: Irene's house
Warning: Uh...I have no idea, tbh. So uh, TBD!

She needed Irene )

March 28th, 2012

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Who: Lexi Branson and Irene Adler
What: A Dominatrix and a Vamp in a deserted park sans the kink? What
Where: A Lawrence Park
When: 9pm on the 28th
Rating: PG 13. There'll be biting
Status: In Progress

March 8th, 2012

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Who: Irene and Helena
What: Helena is visiting Irene. What specifically transpires is completely up to these two.
When: This afternoon
Where: Irene's house
Warnings: IDEK but to be safe, let's say NSFW because ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN. And both can be naughty when they wish to.

I'm in love with my lust burning angelwings to dust )

February 24th, 2012

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Who: Sherlock and Adler
What: Explanations. And angst on Irene's part.
When: Friday evening, 24th Feb
Where: The medbay
Rating/Status: TBA/In progress

How could the mess she perceived be related to her face? )

February 15th, 2012

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Who: Moriarty and Irene and OPEN to anyone who'd pass through the complex lobby
What: Reprecussions for betraying Moriarty in the future
When: Today 2015, moving to today, 2012
Where: A warehouse, moving to the complex
Warning: High - torture, skin removal, nastiness

Her last thought as she sunk to the floor was to wonder what type of shoes he'd make )

February 8th, 2012

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Who: Irene Adler and H. G. Wells
What: Two British women uniting over a decent cup of tea.
When: Now-ish?
Where: A cafe
Warnings: TBA

As long as it was good and British, she was happy )

January 30th, 2012

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Who: Adler and Moriarty
What: Dinner
When: This evening, starting around 6pm
Where: Wherever he decides
Warnings: TBA

At least Moriarty accepted her dinner invitations... )

January 17th, 2012

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Who: [info]feelingepic  and [info]makethembeg 
What: Shopping!
When: Early afternoon, January 17th
Where: Lobby, moving to appropriate shops around Lawrence
Rating: TBD
Status: In progress

January 8th, 2012

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Who: Irene Adler and whoever turns up!

What: The Woman arrives

Where: A Lawrence street

When: Evening of the 8th

Rating: TBD (It's Adler, so there'll be sexual/bdsm references if nothing else)

Status: In Progress


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