War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


July 15th, 2013

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Who: Sherlock & Joan (featuring guest appearances by Lestrade the goat)
What: Tea! Talking! More tea! Emotions! All the tea!
Where: Shirly's place.
When: Backdated to last night!
Why: Because of reasons.
Rating: Moderate/low, probably.

Here, it was remnants of a dead man that pulled John Watson away. )

May 25th, 2013

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Who? Sherlock! (Narrative? Open, possibly, to John)
What? Angst. ...apparently.
Where? His place!
When? Tonight.
Why? The muse wanted to write prose, apparently. He never does that, I do not even know.
Whaaaaaaaaaaat??? No stop
Rating: Lowish? Drinking is involved but otherwise meh.

Right now Sherlock selfishly wished he could have all three of them there, with him. It would be better. He would be better. )

July 16th, 2012

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Who: Jim Moriarty and Sherlock Holmes
What: Final Showdown
When: Midnight, the cusp of 16 July and 17 July
Where: Park of all the things. It's very poetic, you see.
Warnings: Smug Moriarty, violence, character death

Oh, I may be on the side of the angels...but don't think for one second that I am one of them. )

July 13th, 2012

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Who:John Watson, mention of Sherlock Holmes, and mention of the rescue team to be added later.
When:Following the shooting!
Where:Niagara Falls
Warnings: um...angst

He still tried wordlessly to tell him everything would be all right. )

February 24th, 2012

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Who: Sherlock and Adler
What: Explanations. And angst on Irene's part.
When: Friday evening, 24th Feb
Where: The medbay
Rating/Status: TBA/In progress

How could the mess she perceived be related to her face? )

February 8th, 2012

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Who:John Watson and Sherlock Holmes
When: Last night
Where: Restaurant that serves crappy tea.
Why are you doing this to me? )
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