War Is Coming RPG.

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War Is Coming RPG.


March 24th, 2015

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WHO: Giles and Ariel
WHEN: Early Morning on February 9th
WHERE: The Magic Box
WHAT: Ariel is a curious shopper
STATUS: Complete

First Customer )

February 3rd, 2015

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Who: Regina Mills, Open to: Team Talk Regina Down
When: Tuesday, February 3, 2015
Where: The Royal House of Sass aka the Former House of Lust
What: Regina watches as Greg disappears and a magical storm follows as a result.
Rating: S for Sad. A for Angst.
Status: Complete as Narrative, but selectively open.

She should have known that she'd always be a villain and that villains didn't get happy endings )

September 30th, 2012

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Draco & Ariel
Saturday afternoon, September 29, 2012
Streets of Lawrence
Draco's arrival

He was on the streets of some strange place, disoriented and confused...
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September 23rd, 2012

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WHO: Ariel and Ghost!Athena
WHAT: Saying good night, unwittingly, for the last time.
WHEN: Sunday night, post-dated to around 9pm
WHERE: Jimmy's old apartment
WARNINGS: Mermaid angst
STATUS: Narrative/Complete

Oh the waves roll low, and the waves roll high and so it goes under a bright, blue, endless sky, waves try to measure days that we treasure...wave hello and wave goodbye. )

August 14th, 2012

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Who: Peter Parker & Ariel
What: Peter's arrival in Lawrence
When: Monday evening [8-13-12]
Where: Streets downtown somewhere
Rating/Status: PG/Complete

Something wasn't right, he just wasn't sure what...
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June 28th, 2012

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Who: Ariel and Maedhros
What: Ariel's providing the elf with more information!
Where: The tenant building
When: Backdated to 6/27
Warnings | Status: TBD | in progress

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June 23rd, 2012

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WHO: Ariel & Jimmy Hudson
WHAT: Jimmy being an awesome boyfriend
WHERE: Ariel's apartment in the complex
WHEN: Saturday afternoon
RATING: Probably PG?
STATUS: In progress

While Clark Kent had been kind enough to swing by to bring her chicken soup and orange juice in the middle of the night without her even actually asking, she still felt unwell. )

February 23rd, 2012

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WHO: Ariel and Ben Braeden
WHAT: Ben's being a good friend to a broken mermaid
WHEN: Backdated to last night, after this
WHERE: Ariel's apartment
RATING: PG, mostly for Ben's language...it's a Disney princess, come on now. :P
STATUS: Incomplete/abandoned

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December 6th, 2011

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Who: Ariel and Abby
What: Cheering people up is what Abby does best, and Ariel is in need of some.
When: Morning of December 5th (slightly backdated!)
Where: Various places in Lawrence
Warnings: Rated D for Disney.

Today Ariel would have a good word of the day )

October 17th, 2011

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WHO: Ariel & Kat Warbler
WHAT: Waking up on a park bench and trying to flag down help
WHERE: ...a park? lol
WHEN: This evening
RATING: G - PG, I guess it depends on who tags it?
STATUS: In progress

Ariel sat up in her long pink nightgown and her eyes went wide. This wasn't the bedroom in Eric's palace! )
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