War Is Coming RPG.

June 8th, 2009

June 8th, 2009

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WHO: Gwen Raiden and Lindsey McDonald
WHAT: The thief and the lawyer arrive in Kansas
WHEN: Evening
WHERE: Wolfram and Hart to start and then just outside Kansas
RATING: TBD but these two get snarky so I doubt it's kid safe!
STATUS: In Progress

Her teacher always used to say, expect the unexpected )

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WHO: Veronica Mars & [OPEN].
WHERE: Side of the road, in Lawrence.
WHEN: Late night.
STATUS: In Progress


Kansas? How the hell did she end up in Kansas?  )

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WHO: Martha Jones, Jaina Solo and Sam Winchester
WHAT: Sam Winchester, meet two badass military girls.
WHEN: afternoon
WHERE: Sam's motel
STATUS: In progress

Sitting and waiting never got anyone anywhere. )

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Who: John Jones and Kara
What: Arriving
When: Evening
Where: Lawrence, Kansas
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

Take me too your leader. Okay now, enough with the Martian streotypes. )
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