November 10th, 2010



[No Subject]

[info]x_mod we like them with cars, buying us drinks in bars, with hairspray and denim, BOYS BOYS BOYS

actually we still need more girls to even out the numbers. we have quite a few new x-men, how about rounding out our cast? wallflower, surge, dust, dryad, trance, preview, network!

for BOYZ i'd espesh love a rockslide, anole, and hellion. i have a specific sl for hellion in mind!



[No Subject]

I'd love to come home from my day of errand running to see Apps and Holds!
We're having a great time so far!

[No Subject]

[info]backdrops, a psl directory in the spirit of /players. join with your psl journal and connect with other players. next adds are tonight!



Lord Voldemort has won.

The year is 1979, and things have gone all wrong. Voldemort gained followers and power quickly and the Order of the Phoenix was unable to stop him. In the midst of a big battle that took place at the Ministry of Magic, England was practically destroyed. Explosions filled the air that night, curses were flying in all directions. Too much magic in one, confined space. Things began to crumble and many died with it; witch, wizard, and muggle included. The whole country is in chaos, mass panic filling the air. Muggles are blaming a meteor crash, saying that it fell directly onto London and vanquishing most things around it. The magical folk are the only ones who know the truth, that something happened that night at the Ministry. No one is sure what exactly, but whatever it was... was powerful and now all of England lies in shambles.

The Wizarding World needs a leader. It needs hope. It needs a future.

What will that future be?


WANTED: Frank Longbottom, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Severus Snape, Molly Weasley + MANY MORE!
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Fidelity RPG


Fidelity RPG



Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
Kingsley Shacklebolt, once renowned Minister for Magic, was found guilty of lying, stealing, and cheating the witches and wizards of Britain. Though he claimed innocence, there was far too much evidence against him. Kingsley agreed to step down from the position in early 2023. His replacement, Lucretia Rowle; widow of the deceased Death Eater Thorfinn, claimed to be ready to right every wrong Kingsley Shacklebolt had ever made and has done little to help the poor image that Kingsley now faces every day. Lucretia Rowle has started making changes, drastic changes... especially to the courses at Hogwarts. One of the courses, now a mandatory requirement to graduate for all Muggleborns, is a Wizarding How To class, basically treating all Muggleborns as incompetent and unable to grasp the wizarding world. Each year, all Muggleborns will have to take this course and will not be able to graduate without it. It has also been theorized that the Head Boy and Head Girl were chosen by their blood, not their achievements in school, as well as the new Fifth Year Prefects. No Muggleborns have been chosen as Prefect this year. Who's side will you join? What else will change in the Wizarding World? Will people finally see the light and realize Lucretia Rowle is really a blood purist?


Lily Potter, James Potter Fred Weasley, Abigail Longbottom, Lysander Scamander, Lorcan Scamander + more!

Check out our Wanted List!



[No Subject]

Hello all! I'm looking for several specific lines and/or skeletons to be filled. I'm looking for them to be threading and predominantly slash, though I will try femme and would like try playing the female in a het line.

1.) Something along the lines of a steampunk generation. I'm flexible with ages and pbs for this, as well as the overall storyline. It could eventually melt into an apocalyptic world if we wanted to. Something with guns, action, death, romance, and a few shining moments of fluff. Could also involve some fantasy!

2.) A British colonist from Jamestown and a Native American from the Powhatan Confederacy. I'd like this to be a realistic subplot to the events surrounding Makotah (Pocahontas/Rebecca Rolfe) being kidnapped and eventually converting to Christianity. Maybe during the point where the residences of Jamestown and the Powhatan Confederacy were living in relative peace? One of the colonist (or in reverse, Powhatan) decides to live amongst the "Other" people. I'd definitely like to keep the language barrier in this one.

3) I'd like to play Andrew Jenks against someone on his show. This can either be PB or celeb, but most likely PB on your part while Andrew is himself. I'd like some of this line to be a surprise, so it would mean that you would need to create an entire character and pretty much lead the line while Andrew tries to keep up.

4) A little fluff! I'm looking for a marriage line. I would love having some Mpreg (It's been so long since I've got to play a pregnant character!) but it isn't necessary. Something fun and fluffy, but has a dramatic edge to it while we toss random things at them (The fridge broke, oh noooo!) and see how they cope with life.

5) A lot of smut! I'd LOVE a line that was based mostly on a sexual relationship that the plot slowly forms around. I've got a list of kinks and adult themes that I would also like to incorporate in this line. Super plus if you're willing to play a submissive top.

If any of these interest you, feel free to comment this post! There is plenty of more information in my journal.








Musings has always existed, a world alongside our world.

In Musings, people live the way we do, eat the same food we do, love the same way we do, and work the same minimum wage jobs we do. The differences? They all have their roots in fictional characters, and they are immortal.

Though they are not the characters themselves, they carry in them the essences of characters from fiction. The sources that they spring from do not exist for them, but they are based on fiction we are familiar with all the same - though no one has ever read a Batman comic, there is a rich young man who uses his money to fight the forces of evil that destroyed his life. Though Moby Dick was never written, a sailor still stalks the bars of a town on the sea, watching, waiting.

Now, a portal has opened between the world of Musings and the mortal world, and the Creations (as they call themselves) have begun crossing over in droves. Now, they have abilities that they did not have in their own world, abilities that they can choose to do with what they will. There is no great prescribed fate for these echoes of fiction, only the destinies they choose to weave for themselves - living and losing on the shores of a new world.

Most Wanted: Fiyero (Wicked), Night Owl II (Watchmen), Dracula (Dracula), The Doctor (Doctor Who), Lex Luthor (Superman), Ophelia (Hamlet).



The Omega Reality




The Omega Reality

Game Started:
November 1, 2010

Character Directory
Player Directory
Friending Button
October 1, 2010: The U.S. government of the Omega Reality conducts a secret experiment in quantum physics. Their goal is to construct a means for the U.S. military to travel between alternate realities. But, something unexpected happens. Instead of creating a means of leaving the Omega Reality, they cause a rift that allows someone from another reality, our reality, into the Omega Reality.

Leon Vance, Director of NCIS, finds himself in the exact location where the experiment has taken place. Captured by the U.S. military upon arrival, Leon is questioned extensively. It is during questioning he becomes aware something is different. More than the differences between governments in separate realities, this is something about himself. By the time he realizes he has the ability to sense when others arrive through the new rift, these new arrivals have already begun to make their own way in this new reality.

He is not the only new arrival to have discovered a new power within themselves, powers the natural inhabitants of the Omega Reality do not posses. And some of these new arrivals are delighted to abuse their new-found powers for personal gain at the expense of the citizens of the Omega Reality.

Driven by his sense of duty and a desire to help stop the corruption coming into the Omega Reality from his own, Leon uses his political savoir faire to get himself named as Head of the newly formed Interdimensional Criminal Investigation Service (ICIS). The newly arrived Henrietta Lange becomes his closest alley.

Now, they must work together to organize ICIS and find a way to help these new arrivals adapt to the differences between the two realities.



[No Subject]


You think you know London, its streets and alleys like the creases of your palm. You don't know all its secrets. In its depths are places to buy amulets and tarot readings, a talisman that permits the wearer to manipulate luck hangs alongside bottles of herbs and demon's blood. Books so ancient the pages are tissue-thin jostle against postcards of buses and telephone boxes. There are bars where the clientele don't just find the dim light flattering, but downright necessary, and the smell of brimstone lingers in the nostrils. There are corners and recesses where magic isn't trickery or sleight of hand, but blood and bone and flesh and you might -- you might -- catch sight of feathers pure as snow and light, if you know where to go. If you know how to see. There's a pitched battle being fought for this other London and your London besides -- one in which every human in existence is being counted in a gamble for souls, Heaven and Hell trying to tip the scales and grave-faced Librarians holding them steady. And all the time, people go about their lives with a little pinch of something extra in a London you'll never see.

[info]gates_mods | [info]at_the_gates | [info]atthegates_ooc |

Opens November 20th

Dark Obsidian - A Neo-Noir Game



The Doc

Workin' in this city's morgue is about as much fun as a barrel of dead mobsters, really. You've got your Cipher Killer to the left, choking and shooting and drowning all kinds of people. You've got your dirty cops to your right, with their convenient excuses of 'He just fell, is all. Fell on all those bullets.' And in the middle? Well, in the middle you've got just about anyone who wants to trick, rob or stab their own grandmother for another handful of scratch in their pockets.

You end up signing off reports nobody's going to read unless they actually want to know what happened to a body, which is rare, and working your fingers to the bone in...well, in people's bones and guts and blood.

And you know what you get for your troubles and long hours? Nothing.

Nothing but chickenfeed pay, little to no respect, an ulcer in your gut and - if you're lucky - you get to retire with a twitch and a case of the 'not dead yets.'

You wouldn't need just luck to make it to retirement age alive doing this job in Obsidian City. You'd need a miracle.

Stiffs need not apply.

Scenes OOC Mods
Rules FAQ Premise Characters Wanted
Holds Area Info Apply Contact

Forsilvra: A Medieval Fantasy RPG


From the cold, isolated pine forests of Blasa and rural Tocken, where custom is relaxed and the people are hard working, to the island of Strom where the lords and ladies relax in the sun and party until dawn, to the royal court in Solbra, where the King rules his country, to the volcanoes of Stoft, where the Skalldings take what they want, when they want... Forsilvra is a land filled with politics and power, violence and vows, death and disaster, love and lies, and murder and mayhem.

In this sweeping landscape, the nobility come out to play. They fight for position, for power, for alliances, and for wealth. The games of court stretch from the mountains to the coast, and as power changes hands from one man to the next, from family to family and lord to lord, the unrest grows to cover the land like an ever-darkening fog. For somewhere there is an heir to the old line of kings, while others claim they should be sitting the throne of Forsilvra. House Sterlyn hold the crown by a thin hair, while those in the north fight to increase their base of power in the lands of Tocken.

Which side will your Lord find themselves on? Will you fight for the old order, or the new? Will the lands of Glodhet, with the rum and assassins appeal to you or perhaps the lands of Ovadar, ruled by the unflinching and powerful Castells? Join the lords and ladies of Forsilvra, as they roll the dice and play their cards and find out who ends up with the winning hand.

Game Details:

Format: Messageboard //Vbulletin Software (no ads!)
Genre: Original Medieval Fantasy
Age Limit: 18+
Contact: Jenn *AIM: Kajouka *Email: Kajouka[at]
*(Or use the cbox on the website. Highly recommended, as the best way to decide what character to play is to talk to the other members)

What we offer:
- An rpg with only original characters
- An original world that gives you flexibility to create
- Ability to create your own noble house with backstory, or simply join someone else's
- Secret plot points known only by you, the staff, and those you choose to tell, revealed to others during rp
- Highly active game, with 150+ characters and plenty of opportunity to get involved.

What we need:
Wanted Characters
- A few specific cannon characters
- Cousins, Aunts and Uncles of Province Lords and the Royal Family
- New Banner House Lords and Ladies
- Members of existing Banner Houses, including sisters, brothers, and children

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