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Fidelity OOC

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[February 19th | 2011]

Sadly, I'm going to have to pull out. The more I think about it, the more I don't think I'll have time to keep up with this game, on top of my others and work. I've gone through and cut my current games list in half, sadly, because work's been extra crazy.

I wish you all the best.

Fail!Kassi is failtastic. [February 11th | 2011]

So. Between being sick on and off for the last month and work pretty much exploding in my face, I've been super failtastic. Like, super duper failtastic. I need to get back into the swing of all things RP, and the plan is to go batshit crazy on it on my day off. Which is tomorrow.

Thanks for bearing with me, guys.
<3 Kassi

[January 17th | 2011]

Hello everybody! I'm Kassi and I'm bringing to you the loud, enthusiastic, midly self absorbed miss Lily Luna Potter! This intro is gonna be SUPER SHORT because I'm a bit pressed for time, but her bio is HERE! and I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE for some plot with all you guys!

I can be found via aim: whupassfajitas or email: [this is best as I constantly check it from my phone]

[January 3rd | 2011]

hey guys. apparently i just can't keep up, so i'm gonna drop roxy and let someone else have a crack at her. it was fun while it lasted. :)

[December 6th | 2010]

Please click the friend button to remove those who were cut. Sad times.

[December 6th | 2010]

NaNoWriMo & post-NaNo parties are over and I have returned finally! That was the worlds longest hiatus, but I'm assuming yall haven't kicked me yet since I can still post in the ooc! So hi!! I'm back! What did I miss and where is Roxy wanted/needed?!


[November 13th | 2010]

I'm a terrible terrible person for not warning sufficiently about my absence during NaNo, but it wasn't a problem the past few years so I didn't think I would need to. Anyway, my current novel is eating my brainpower, so I've been way MIA. On top of that I have acquired a nasty sinus infection and feel like death stuffed with snot. It's unpleasant. So as long as you all don't want to kick my ass out on the street by now, can I have a little bit longer of a hiatus?


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