May 7th, 2010


[No Subject]

The fifth blight was stopped by the actions of two grey wardens and their companions. It has been one year since the end of the Blight but calm does not reign in Thedas the way one might assume.

Darkspawn have not been driven entirely from the realm, though the Blight was vanquished. The dwarves of Orzammar are not at all united. The Dalish are moving south to the lands granted them by the Queen. Denerim is still being rebuilt, humans still oppose one another and the alienage elves continue to suffer at the hands of humans. This is the current state of affairs in Ferelden. Where will you stand?



[No Subject]


Cure-all: (noun) Something believed to cure all human disorders.

It started with The Cure: a drug designed to inhibit and reverse the effects of an active x-gene. The very gene which is responsible for the mutation of thousands of people across the globe. While some saw it as an option for those less fortunate mutants who’s x-gene simply left them physically disfigured, or those with powers that made every day life difficult, others saw it as a weapon. One which would even the playing field for the weaker of the two species: man. While the creators boasted about how powerful The Cure was, time proved it was no match to the way in which the x-gene could make a body adapt. Eventually, The Cure failed. But not before those who’d been offended by it’s very existence were ready to strike back.

Four years later, The Cure-All was a sort of response to The Cure. It was made for all humans who no longer wanted to be weak, who wanted to be part of the next evolutionary step of humanity. Like The Cure, at first, it worked perfectly. But only at first.

Three months after the first human had undergone the change to homo-superior, the powers and mutations seemed to fade. What was left in place of the homo-superior, however, wasn’t quite human. Still alive, they were reduced to one basic instinct: the need to feed. Their choice of meal? Human and homo-superior flesh.

Humans who were so much as scratched or bitten changed into these infected creatures within days. Homo-superior were highly resistant to the disease, yet blood transfer was fatal. Not to mention, the infected outnumbered homo-superior a thousand to one. Numbers dropped significantly, especially for those who remained in the large cities, as they simply became overwhelmed by the infected. Within six months, it had spread throughout the world and infected all but a handful of the human population (who were tucked away underground) and killed around a quarter of the mutant population. Those who survived learned that staying on the move meant staying alive. If they stopped anywhere too long, the infected would come. Only a few at first, but then more and more until their numbers were impossible to fight off. In the end it became a matter of fight together or die alone, and surviving was all anyone could hope for.

Premise | Holds | Application
Rules | FAQ | Cast
Locations | Jobs | Powers

[No Subject]



The pirate leered evilly at the hapless hero in the cell, who groaned in response. The hero looked desperately around for anyone who might be of help. He was alone. The pirate grinned, and pulled out a dagger. The hero looked around for cover. There is none, so he backed up against the wall, praying that the pirate didn't have the key. The pirate didn't, but unfortunately he also had an excellent arm. Excruciating pain overwhelmed all of the hero's senses, as he sunk to the ground, the dagger embedded in his chest. Next time, he'd have to remember not to insult the man's mom. It was obviously a terrible tactical strategy. His last thought was about how very much he wished the internet had been invented here so that he could look up things like “diplomacy” or “gypsy curses.” He was desperately trying to recall something from his psychology class when his heart finally stopped, and everything went black.

Sunlight streamed through the stable window, and the hero blinked a bit before sitting up to find a man with a pitchfork staring at him. “Did the wizard send ya?” the man asks accusingly. The hero buries his face in his hand. Oh no....Not again.....

Destiny of Doom is an experimental Original Character Scifi Fantasy/Folklore Adventure Roleplaying Game About A Game.

Wanted: gamers, guards, highway bandits, pirates, fey, princesses, princes, sheriffs, deputies, heroes, and much more!


The Greeks: A Greek Gods RP with a Royal Twist

Read more... )

[No Subject]


[No Subject]


recounting (the moderators)

MOST WANTED CHARACTERS: Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Alastor Moody, Frank Longbottom, Alice Longbottom, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange, Severus Snape, Regulus Black, DEATH EATERS!, & much, much more.

[No Subject]


New Directions: a Glee RPG


You've watched the show, now play the game.

Character Directory
Player Directory
FAQ/Drop Box
William McKinley High School. In 1993, the Glee Club had just won Nationals. They had the world at their feet. They ruled the school. They couldn't have been considered cooler.

But now, it's 2010 and though they've won Sectionals, it's been a long time since the Glee Club was considered anything close to "cool." Now they're the bottom of the heap, the misfits of the school. No one has faith in them at all...but one man: Spanish teacher, Will Schuester. He basked in the glow of the '93 Glee Club and wants to return it to its former glory. Unfortunately, there are dark forces plotting against this grand scheme...namely, cheerleaders. Will the "gleeks" triumph or crash and burn? Only time will tell...

[info]new_directions is the oldest Glee RPG on IJ and has been open for active play since September, so we won't be going anywhere any time soon. We've still got some canon characters open, and also accept OCs (students, teachers, anything that you can think of to fit in the setting.) The application is fairly simple. We're a friendly, active group and hope to find more people to join the fun!

Most Needed:
Mercedes Jones


[No Subject]

I'm looking for someone to write the fiancee to my guy. Check this journal for more info!

Beyond the Pages - Future Gen HP

As the summer of 2023 comes to a close, Hogwarts is gearing up to hold a Triwizard Tournament to improve international relations. Students from Durmstrang and Beauxbatons will be spending the year at Hogwarts and three brave students will compete for glory. The memories of the last Triwizard Tournament have a few people on edge, but there hasn't been any major threat to the wizarding world in a number of years so surely it will go smoothly this time.

Little do they know, an underground struggle is forming between unseen shadows and the resurrection stone has been found and experimented on. Not even the current owner knows what effects his spells have had, but it's bound to be more than anyone bargained for.

Come discover what has happened to your favorite characters as we venture beyond the pages.

Beyond the Pages is a Future Gen game with interaction happening in Hogwarts as the Triwizard Tournament takes place and outside as people long dead are given a second chance at life.

[info]beyondthepages || [info]extra_pages