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Mar. 20th, 2021



Steve and James Rogers

Who: Steve and James Rogers
What: Steve meets his future son
Where: Waffle House Diner
When: Friday 19th March, evening.
Warnings: None yet

From the moment you could talk I was old enough to listen )



[No Subject]

How did I get here? More importantly, how do I leave?

Mar. 19th, 2021



[No Subject]

Well, I guess I owe my dad an apology.

Turns out learning Latin wasn't a total waste of time after all.

I ended up in Pompeii. Fucking Pompeii, man.

Trip for time travelers? Bring candy bars. Surprisingly versatile as a bartering system.

Mission accomplished. I feel so much better now.

But now I just wanna cuddle. Anyone wanna come cuddle?



[No Subject]

Wow, this is bullshit. This is actually bullshit.

I'm tired of trading in worlds for another and ending up stuck there, so I'll take one return trip to the SHIELD heli-carrier stat, thank you very much.

Seriously. Unless the other Next Avengers are here, you probably don't need me and I was this close to beating the guard's score in Super Mario Bros.

Mar. 18th, 2021



[No Subject]

I forgot we can't go outside.

Which explains why I just spend five hours in a place called "Hogsmeade".

I still can't flirt to save my life, but a cute witch took pity on me and bought me chocolate at Honeydukes. Most of the time I spent exploring and got a few looks for being in jeans and not having a wand.

I did get the cute witch's phone number, though, and she was kind enough to show me around. Too bad I can't use the phone number.



1800's Dublin

I decided to go outside and see where I ended up for five hours.

In the five hours, I managed:

*three pints of beer
*one glass of whiskey
*two bar brawls for being Black and setting foot inside
*getting thrown out for not having money to pay
*offers from a Prostitute.

Not to mention narrowly avoiding having someone's human waste flung outside and almost land on me.

Thank God for showers and food.



[No Subject]

Hi. My name is Elena Michaels. I've been here a few days now and, as a professional journalist with investigatory experience, I'm hoping to gather some information that might help us determine exactly where here is, why and how we're here, and if there is any way that we can return home. I know that some people have gone outside and found themselves in places they did not recognize. Maybe there's some common thread among us that will give us answers.

I'm from Canada, but was living in Upstate New York. Working as a journalist, as I mentioned. The supernatural does exist in my world and I know of werewolves, witches, half demons, sorcerers, necromancers, vampires, shamans... I'm not sure what else. Anyway, I was wondering if this was some kind of magic.

Oh, and it was 2005 for me at home.

Please share as much as you're comfortable sharing so we can try to look for patterns.

Mar. 16th, 2021



Sophia and OPEN

Who: Sophia and Open
What: Sophia is at work
Where: Adagio Tea
When: Tues afternoon
Warnings: should be low
Status: open/in progress

Sit and Drink Pennyroyal Tea. )



Bucky and Steve

Who: Bucky and Steve
What: Reunion
Where: Waffle House Diner
When: Monday, March 15th evening.
Warnings: TBD
Status: Closed

Step one, you say we need to talk )

Mar. 15th, 2021



[No Subject]

I don't know what kind of game this is or who's playing it with me, but I gotta get back to New Jersey.

I'm part of this special project, and I cannot be going AWOL!

Who do I have to talk to to get this straightened out?



[No Subject]

Who: Elena and Logan
What: catching up over take out
Where: Logan's apartment
When: Monday afternoon
Warnings: considering how this conversation may go, I would say language is a possibility
Status: closed/in progress/

Nothin' ever makes sense )



[No Subject]

[Filtered to Clay and Elena]

Definitely happy you're both here. I was stepping off the plane from LA and ended up in this strange place.

Mar. 14th, 2021



[No Subject]

What is going on?! I can NOT be here! I have a daughter at home who just lost her father! Someone get me back! NOW!



[No Subject]

What the hell is this shit? Is this some kind of joke?

Mar. 13th, 2021



[No Subject]

Uh, I'm Max and I'm not sure how I got here. Has anyone seen a blonde by the name of Isobel? Or a curly haired guy named Michael?

Mar. 12th, 2021



[No Subject]

Anyone want to go visit one of the bars? I found $50 in my pocket.



[No Subject]

Who: Elena Michaels and Clayton Danvers
What: Arrival
When: Friday Evening
Where: Waffle House
Rating: low with some angry Clay

Two werewolves enter a Waffle House )



[No Subject]

Has anyone figured out yet what brought us here?

Even if I'm not so sure I want to leave anymore?


So...my apartment is big enough for two people, you know.

I'd like to keep an eye on you so you don't disappear on me again



[No Subject]

Who: Magnus Chase and OPEN
What: Magnus (and his sword) are 'working'
When: Friday
Where: Library
Rating: Low

Book Kabob )

Mar. 9th, 2021



The bro is bored

I'm pretty sure I need to stop eating my weight in waffles and get a job.

Also, I need a job so I can go to the gym.

And afford to buy some form of fruit and/or vegetable.