Jul. 26th, 2007


A Note on Spoilers

Please respect your fellow asylum members and cut-tag and warn anything that might be considered spoilery information.

This will especially come into effect when the Fall TV season starts, but should also be considered good practice for recent movies/books (and thank you kindly to [info]reborn_serpent for being considerate and tagging your most recent response and reminding me that I needed to address this).

If you fail to cut-tag and warn for spoilery material, you will be warned. A second offense will get you banned.

The following are time frames that I will use:

TV Shows - two weeks after the US air date
Movies/Books - two months after the US release

If there are other categories I need to consider (like anime, comics, etc), please let me know and also let me know what you think is a reasonable window of opportunity.

As for what constitutes a spoiler? Well, that is at your discretion. I personally don't think that casting spoilers or episode titles are spoilers, but I have friends that do. Use your best judgement and when in doubt? Use the cut.

Any questions can be directed to voices.mods@gmail.com