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Jan. 19th, 2009


Roll Call

How many people/characters are still here and still interested in participating in Voices?

I'm trying to get an idea of who is still here and who has wandered off so we can do some updating of lists in the community and such.

Please, comment here with characters and journals so I can know how to go about housekeeping?


Apr. 20th, 2008


Mod Post

We haven't done a cleanup of the character list in awhile, but that is about to be rectified. My apologies for the lapse in record-keeping -- those who know me know I work in the floral industry, and my life goes to hell from the beginning of the year (Valentine's Day planning) until Mother's Day!

Step one of the process will be to make sure we have all active characters accounted for on the Official Character List. Please look the roster over and make certain your characters are listed correctly. If you find a typo, or your character is missing, or you have retired a character that is still listed, please comment here and let me know so it can be corrected.

This week I'll be going through the roster and noting journals that haven't posted in the past three months. I will post this list next weekend; if yours is listed, you will have two weeks to post (or contact the mods with a request for an extension) or the character will be retired from Voices. If you have friends who don't read the OOC asylum, please poke them to check in!

Apr. 17th, 2008



In case you are unaware of what happened earlier this week with the IJ outage, I have some important links and information posted here.

Dec. 28th, 2007


Character Claim Post #2

Before commenting here, please do the following:

1. Check the Claimed Characters post to make sure the muse you want to claim is available. Note: Only fictional characters will be accepted, no RPF.
2. Create a journal specifically for that muse.
3. Comment here with the following info [comments are screened for your privacy]:

4. Watch this journal! Every Sunday we will process any new apps that have come in during the week. Once invitations are sent, we'll put up a post here to let you know.
5. After you receive your invite, please join this community and you may also join our RP community (totally optional).
6. Once you've been accepted, you'll be added to the muse list and a tag will be assigned. Your comment will then be deleted to keep things clean and tidy.

There are no muse limits per player, as long as you stay current with all of your muses (1 prompt response every two months).

Any questions may be directed to

Oct. 29th, 2007


PB Sources

I've compiled a list of my personal favorite places to get icons for RP journals. If anyone has any others they'd like me to add, please comment here!

PB Sources )

Oct. 4th, 2007


Admin: Announcements & Feedback

So, myself and [info]havocthecat both got pretty busy in the last couple of months and we let some things slide with the communities.

To help us get back on our feet and make sure that there is no more sliding, we've added [info]kajivar and [info]lithium to the mod team. We're working out details of who is going to handle what, but rest assured that we are all committed to keeping this community going.

Of course, we need your help to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make your experiences enjoyable.

Comments on this entry will be screened, but please take a few moments to reply with any feedback you might have (positive or negative) so we know what we're doing right and what needs to improve.

As always, we can be reached at for any questions, comments, etc.

And in case you missed it - [info]lithium has created shiny new layouts for all three communities and posted promo banners & buttons that you can all use!

Sep. 30th, 2007


Admin Apology

So sorry for the disappearing act this week.

I traveled last weekend and then ended up with a nasty cold, which I've been battling all week. I didn't even think about the fact that I missed a weekly prompt until Friday and I just haven't been spending much time at the computer.

To avoid future occurrances like this, [info]kajivar is going to be added as a maintainer and will be able to share the prompting (and other) duties.

There will be another prompt tomorrow, on schedule.

Sep. 10th, 2007


Admin Update

Hello All! A few announcements:

1. All muses applied for in the last week have been added and approved. Please check your invites for the main community. Also please join this community with either your character journal, your mun journal or both. If you want to join with your mun journal, please make sure you tell me here. You can also join [info]voices_rp with your character journal(s) if you so desire.

2. The Claimed Character list has been updated. A few muses have been removed already due to player inactivity. More will be coming in the following weeks. I will contact people before pulling their muses. If you need a hiatus or if you have a muse you know you'd like to drop, please comment here or send an email to

3. I'd still love to have someone design a header/icon/buttons for our community. I know there have to be some graphically talented writers out there!!

As always, any questions, comments, suggestions, etc can be sent to

Aug. 20th, 2007



1. All apps that were received in the last week have been processed and you should have invites for the main community waiting. You need to request to join [info]voices_carry (and may also join this comm with your mun journal if you wish) and you may join [info]voices_rp if you wish (character journals only).

2. Muses are all on a first come, first served basis. Thus far, we've only had a few occasions where the same muse has been apped by multiple people in the same week. Additionally, we reserve the right to reject muse applications if there are critical errors in them (ex: mis-spelling a character name, etc).

If you are using an unconventional spelling of a character name from a canon source that is not popularly known, please indicate that in your application.

3. The claimed character list is up to date. We will be checking for inactivity this week, so if you have not posted with your muses and not notified us of your need for a hiatus, you may lose your muses. The friending list will be updated this evening.

4. Would any of you graphically inclined folks like to create a layout/default icon/userinfo button for Voices?

As always, any questions, comments, suggestions, etc may be directed to

Aug. 13th, 2007


Admin Update

All apps for this week have been processed and the claimed character list is updated.

The friending list should be updated later this evening. And in case you missed it, free journals can now have 250 friends, so we should be good for muses to all friend each other for a while :)

I will be going through the asylum and checking for muse activity this week. If you have a muse that you haven't posted for yet (and isn't new), please send an email to and let us know if you need a hiatus.

And don't forget about the prompt suggestion box!!

Questions, comments or suggestions?

Jul. 30th, 2007


Prompt Suggestion Box

If you have a suggestion for a prompt, please comment here.

All comments are screened.

Jul. 29th, 2007


New Characters & Feedback

Anyone who apped this week should go and check their invites! If you don't have an invite, please let me know ASAP.

The friending list will be updated tomorrow.

Now, we're coming up on two months of this asylum being active and I'm thrilled with the number of muses we have and the level of activity, but I'd like to get some feedback from you all.

Cut for a Poll )

Is there anything the mods can do to make your experience better? We want everyone to have fun with this asylum. Please either comment here or send an email to with any comments or suggestions you might have.

Thanks :)

Jul. 26th, 2007


A Note on Spoilers

Please respect your fellow asylum members and cut-tag and warn anything that might be considered spoilery information.

This will especially come into effect when the Fall TV season starts, but should also be considered good practice for recent movies/books (and thank you kindly to [info]reborn_serpent for being considerate and tagging your most recent response and reminding me that I needed to address this).

If you fail to cut-tag and warn for spoilery material, you will be warned. A second offense will get you banned.

The following are time frames that I will use:

TV Shows - two weeks after the US air date
Movies/Books - two months after the US release

If there are other categories I need to consider (like anime, comics, etc), please let me know and also let me know what you think is a reasonable window of opportunity.

As for what constitutes a spoiler? Well, that is at your discretion. I personally don't think that casting spoilers or episode titles are spoilers, but I have friends that do. Use your best judgement and when in doubt? Use the cut.

Any questions can be directed to

Jul. 1st, 2007


Applications Approved!

Sorry it was so late this weekend! I had friends in from out of town and only got home from the airport about a half an hour ago :)

If you applied this week, you should have an invite waiting for your character journal. Please join [info]voices_carry with either your character journal, your mun journal (and let me know here which muses it belongs with) and you may also join [info]voices_rp with your character journals if you like.

The Claimed Character List is current and the Friending List will be updated tomorrow evening.

Any questions? Ask here or shoot an email to!

Jun. 25th, 2007


Admin Update

Any apps received before midnight EST last night have been processed and folks should have invites to [info]voicesinmyhead. If you don't, please send an email to

The Claimed Characters List and Friending List have been updated.

And we're at over 100 muses! *tosses confetti* This excites me to no end :) You're all wonderful.

Jun. 23rd, 2007


New Apps!

Because of the bonfire tonight in [info]voices_rp, I decided to process the apps that we've received thus far for this week.

If you applied, please check your invites and accept to become a member of the community.

Don't forget to join this community (and let me know your mun identity if you want to join with that as well). Also, if you want to play at [info]voices_rp, you'll need to join there as well.

All comms have moderated membership, but I'll be around on and off all day, so I'll get requests approved as soon as I can.

And anyone who apps between now and tomorrow night will still be processed tomorrow, I just wanted to let the rest of you play tonight :)

Jun. 20th, 2007


Mod Request

Anything that could be considered NWS - including foul language, graphic violence or, naturally, sexual situations, should be cut-tagged and appropriately marked with warnings since many people (including us) browse from work.

Please be respectful of your fellow asylum members.

Jun. 19th, 2007


Friending List Update

The friending list, which contains both individual muse journals and asylums, has been updated.

Jun. 18th, 2007


Admin: Mun Journals

Okay - so I realized this morning that I don't necessarily know all of your non-character identities. And I don't want to accidentally deny membership to this community from your non-character journals.

So kindly comment here (comments are screened) to let me know which mun journal goes with which muses.


Jun. 17th, 2007


Master Friending List

Directions: Go to the IJ admin console, paste in the appropriate list, and then hit the "execute" button.

If you have not used the last version of the friending list, use the first cut-tagged list, which reads "master friending list."

If you DID use the list posted in the above link, use the second cut-tagged list, which reads "friending list updates."

We have one removal; it is at the bottom of the update and the master friending list.

Everyone should go down to the list of official and unofficial asylums and check that.

Please note that we have reached over 100 muses. Which, seriously? I am impressed and pleased and I love us. We're amazing. Unfortunately! IJ only allows 100 journals to be friended on a free account. If your RP account is free, and your mun journal is paid, would suggest friending the comms list on your RP account, and doing the full friending list from the paid mun journal.

Questions? Comments? Corrections? Limericks?

master friending list )

friending list updates )

list of official and unofficial asylums )

current as of 08/03/07

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