Oct. 29th, 2007


PB Sources

I've compiled a list of my personal favorite places to get icons for RP journals. If anyone has any others they'd like me to add, please comment here!

PB Sources )

Oct. 3rd, 2007


Show your love for Voicesinmyhead!

I made some uber spiffy banners and buttons

Behind the cut are the banners/buttons and instructions on how to link them (you MAY direct link the images)

Read more... )

Aug. 2nd, 2007


For those with multiple muses. . . .

If you're familiar with ljlogin, the extension for Firefox, then you'll probably want ijlogin. You can find it at [info]ijlogin.

"IJlogin will -- once the last bugs are ironed out -- work just like LJlogin, but for InsaneJournal instead of LiveJournal. IJlogin will play nicely with LJlogin, so you can have both add-ons installed at the same time.

Note that IJlogin is currently very new and somewhat buggy. It is functional and works with Firefox, though."