Aug. 6th, 2007


Friending List

The friending list is updated.

Jul. 25th, 2007


Friending List Update, & Apologies

Okay, RL has been crazed lately, and if I were the type to sneak online at work, that would have been cut back on strongly based on a hint from my boss. If I were that type. Which, of course, I'm not. ;)Which means that my corresponding online presence has suffered.

However! The friending list is up to date. Now I'm able to play, though! *twirls*

Jul. 3rd, 2007


Friending List Update

The Master Friending List is updated. Apologies to all about the lateness. Yesterday was a little more hectic (and allergy-laden) than I thought it would be.

Jun. 19th, 2007


Friending List Update

The friending list, which contains both individual muse journals and asylums, has been updated.