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May 16th, 2009

[info]eugoogoolizer in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Don't Like Problems, I Don't Like Stress, Don't Like To Argue, Like Tears Even Less

Who: Derek Zoolander, Gregory House, and Jack Sparrow
What: Arrival Thread
When: Day 8, early morning
Where: the forest, near the clocktower
Rating: PG-13 for language
Status: Active

You think I'm crazy? Well, hell, I may be... )

[info]sarcasmquotes in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day Eight: Early Morning

Who: Sarah Jane Smith and GLaDOS
What: Waking up in snow for a start
Where: The Forest (Nearest landmark, the Carnival)
When: Day 8, Early morning
Rating: PG to start, I suppse?
Status: Complete

[info]sweetredfruit in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Who: Kaylee Frye, and Logan
What: Sharing A Tidbit
Where: Outside
When: Day 8, morning
Rating: PG-13/R
Status: Active

[info]vc_player_npc in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day Eight - Morning

Who: clone-Ianto Jones, Ianto Jones, and OTA museum-dwellers
What: Enigmas collide
Where: Out on the porch of the museum
When: Day 8, morning
Rating: TBA
Status: Active

So this was what it was like to have a body. )

[info]vc_player_npc in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day 08 - Midmorning

Who: Clone-Laura and Logan
What: Getting the lay of the land
Where: Round the gym
When: Day 08, midmorning
Rating: PG
Status: Active

[info]vc_player_npc in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day Eight Morning

Who: clone!Doctor, Shannon Rutherford
What: morale boost for Shannon
Where: in the museum
When: Day 8, morning
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

The fake Doctor walked through a corridor of the museum, a smile playing on his face... )

[info]vc_player_npc in [info]vas_captio_rpg

Day 8: clone!Dean brings lunch

Who: clone!Dean, Shannon, and Sam
What: clone!Dean is being thoughtful
Where: He dares enter the museum
When: Mid-day, day eight
Rating: PG?

Status: Complete