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[Aug. 8th, 2010|08:28 pm]
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Who: Annie Winchester & Keller Cheevy
Where: NYC!
When: Weekendy!
Warnings: In theory!

So they say that it's real love (so romantic) )
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[Aug. 4th, 2010|03:08 am]
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[Current Mood |cold]

WHO: Annie and Keller
WHAT: ... Stuff.
WHERE: Keller's place.
WARNINGS: Doubt it.

Annie stood at Keller's door, with Frick in her hoodie pocket. She hadn't called, but hopefully he'd be okay with it. She just needed to get out of the house. She loved her sister and wanted to fix things, but she couldn't, and the impulse was to run. She figured she could at least run to Keller's for a night. He could meet Frick. She rang the bell, just hoping she could get off the damn step.
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[Jun. 26th, 2010|09:48 pm]
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WHO: Annie and Keller
WHAT: Wedding stuff (not theirs!)
WHEN: Robbie and Torii's reception, the one with alcohol
WARNINGS: Annie gets lovey and snuggly when she's drunk.

The actual wedding had gone fine; her brother was now a married man, and Annie had done her best not to bawl her eyes out during the actual reception. It was weird. She was happy for Robbie and for Torii, but it still felt strange. She figured she'd get used to it, and Winchesters never did change well.

For now, she perched in a chair, crossing her legs, wondering where the food would be. Keller was around somewhere, and so was Sindre, she knew, but they'd done a fine job of ignoring each other til now; no reason for that to change.
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[Apr. 22nd, 2010|10:46 pm]
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WHO: Annie & Keller
WHAT: Vegas hustlin'
WHERE: Um, Vegas.
WHEN: After Miniver's spoken with his brothers
WARNINGS: Likely pouncing from either or both. It's always possible with Annie.

She'd finally heard from Keller, and told him to meet her outside the roulette room at Mandalay Bay. One of the first things she'd done on getting to this world was have a decent fake ID made. It wasn't as if her parents minded - hell, Daddy had been the one to teach her how to hustle - and really, it was a better way to spend her time than going to clubs and trying to keep skeevy little chav boys off her.

Annie was dressed nicely, and even made up as best she could manage. She looked a bit older than her age to begin with, but dressing older helped even more. If she was going to get blacklisted from a casino, it would be better for it to be after winning a crapton of cash.
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[Feb. 15th, 2010|12:38 am]
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WHO: Annie and Keller
WHAT: VD Day Evening
WHERE: Chez Winchester the smaller
WARNINGS: Quite possible.

Shit shit shit. Annie looked around one more time to make sure the place didn't look like a total shithole. She'd put on real clothes (and reasonably attractive knickers, for that matter!) and finally figured things were good enough. She'd gotten Keller's basket of beef jerky out of her closet where she'd hidden it - there was no trusting Daddy around beef jerky. Now all she had to do was hang out til the door bell rang.
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[Dec. 29th, 2009|09:15 pm]
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WHO: Annie, Zevran, eventually Keller
WHAT: Getting shit straight
WHERE: Coffee/tea shop in London
WARNINGS: Not unless you object to Zev trying to charm the pants off every woman he sees. Literally.

Annie was seated cross-legged in a booth, trying to read and not getting very far. Thankfully school break hadn't ended yet; she wasn't ready to go back and deal with mundane crap. It wasn't like she'd ever need to know calculus or the plot of Moliere's Le Misanthrope; at least the sciences would probably have some value in ghost-hunting later on.

For now, she tried to ignore school, shove it in the back of her mind along with Dani and her new boy and Keller and all the other questions and read her book. The eggnog latte was helping her relax, too.
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[Nov. 15th, 2009|06:47 pm]
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WHO: Annie and Keller, possible interjections from assorted Winchesters at the beginning if they wish
WHAT: Second date
WHERE: Picking Annie up at Mini-Chez Winchester, then Scotland
WHEN: Ages ago. Apologies to all and sundry.
WARNINGS: Maybe a little romance, maybe a little language. Nothing major.

Annie had just finished dressing in an outfit that didn't look particularly trampy, but neither was it saying "get away from me." She had to admit, this was a good idea of Keller's. She'd be curious to see what happened. And if she could just get out of the house without Dani or Robbie seeing who was picking her up, that would be awesome.
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[Oct. 4th, 2009|03:14 pm]
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WHO: Annie Winchester, Keller Cheevy
WHAT: Paintball
WHEN: Slowtimed because I suck; right after Sindre & Dani's clearings-up of misunderstandings
WARNINGS: A lot of language, otherwise I don't know.

Annie stood at the portkey trying to calm down, trying to stem both the nerves and the fury that were making her insides roil like a badly done stew. This isn't an arranged marriage, just a fucking date competed with how could she be so stupid! Dani was a big girl, and if Sindre had done something stupid, Annie would have stayed out. But Sindre had done something cruel, not stupid, and damned if she was going to let her sister get hurt by an idiot.

Keller didn't seem like an idiot. Frat boy type, maybe, but not an idiot. She'd give him a chance, and see where it went. She hoped he didn't whap her on the ass with a scarf, or get drunk and tell her how insignificant she was. She hadn't killed any humans yet, just ghosts.

She wondered if this was the right place. Had she been supposed to meet Keller at the paintball place? Damn it!
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[Jul. 9th, 2009|09:38 pm]
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Who: Dani Winchester and Keller Cheevy.
What: Random meetings.
When: Thursday evening.
Where: Coffee shop near where she practices ballet.
Warnings: Swearing.

Shoo. )
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[Mar. 24th, 2009|07:48 pm]
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Who: Keller and Kia
Where: London and parts beyond.
When: Tuesday evening
Warnings: probable, will update with specifics if necessary

Keller had gone to find his boots after signing off the computer, after all if they were going to get in a bar brawl, and he was pretty sure there was a good possibility they would, he was going to want boots instead of sneakers.

The house wasn't hard to find, really, and Keller was still surprised occasionally that Miniver not only let him keep it, but genuinely wanted him around enough to give the place to him.

It was surprisingly tidy, for a bachelor pad, it was by no means spotless, it was definitely lived-in, but laundry was in the hamper and dishes were actually washed, not just heaping up in the sink.
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[Oct. 25th, 2008|11:51 am]
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Who: Seth Balmore and Keller Cheevy.
What: ... I don't know what this is.
When: Saturday night.
Where: The club where Seth bounces in London.
Warnings: I'll go with yes.

No, seriously, don't know what this is. )
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