Under the Rainbow - Logs community - May 13th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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May 13th, 2009

[May. 13th, 2009|12:21 am]


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Who: Momos and Kakia
What: Dinner
Where: I'm guessing a restaurant
Warnings: Naw. He's all monogamous these days.

Kakia had been surprised to get the invite from her brother, but pleasantly so. And as pleased as she was to get some time with him, she was more than a bit curious as to what it was all about. It didn't really matter... She was getting lobster out of the deal.

Generally a fan of taking her time, she'd made a point of being ready to go when he said he'd be there, she was just putting in her earrings in when she felt him, and her smile grew as she heard the knock. With a hand smoothing down the front of her dress, she snagged her bracelet off the vanity and moved to open the door.

"Hello, doll..."
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Reach out and touch someone [May. 13th, 2009|01:05 am]

Who: Michael Westen and Fiona Glenanne
What: Reunion, of a kind
Where: Coffeehouse in London
Warnings: Depends if Fiona decides to give in to that twitchy trigger finger? ;)

When you're a spy and you find yourself in an entirely new situation beyond your control where you don't quite understand the rules, the best thing to do in a lot of cases is, in fact, absolutely nothing. Sit around for a while in a coffee house or some other public area long enough, and sooner or later, whoever screwed up the latest chapter in your life will come along to gloat and then most likely make you an offer you're unable to refuse. Either way, they have the information, and you don't, and there's no point looking like a headless chicken trying to figure it out when it can just as easily come to you.

For the record, I'm still waiting on the offer, but right now I would just settle for a decent espresso, because while England has a lot of things going for it, good espresso isn't one of them.

If Michael Westen is tense, he's not showing it. It's an unusually sunny day, considering that it's London, but what passes for warm in this country has nothing on Miami's summer sun. A half-empty coffee cup sits before him on the table as he peruses the contents of his alleged replacement's wallet and waits for Fiona to show.

On the plus side, she likely won't have had time to fill the trunk of a car with a large batch of high-end assault rifles.
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[May. 13th, 2009|08:51 pm]
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Who: Sam Ford and Sophie Devereaux
Where: Her flat
When: Afternoon
What: Someone's breaking in, and it's not her.
Warnings: Naw.

Sophie had been working all sorts of hours at the theatre getting ready for the play. It was weighing on her mind, all the things she still needed to get done before the show was a bit of a distraction. At least, that would be her excuse for why she didn't pick up on the hard-to-notice yet telltale signs that someone else had entered her flat.

Dropping her tote on the floor near the door, She closed the door behind her and turned toward her living room, a single brow lifting as she saw Sam in her sofa, eating her ice cream.

"Well well. Good afternoon, darling."
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[May. 13th, 2009|10:56 pm]


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Who: Elaine, baby Lavaine, and Sparhawk
What: Baby update!
Where: their home in London
When: now-ish
Warnings: most likely not, though will update.

Elaine was lying on the floor, watching Lavaine. He was so entertaining these days. Right now, he was trying very hard to stuff both hands into his mouth.

She laughed and Lavaine grinned around his hands and gurgled.

"Do those hands taste good?" she cooed, and tickled her baby's tummy. Elaine didn't even mind when two spit-damp hands landed on her face.

She was happier than she had ever been in her life.
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