Under the Rainbow - Logs community - April 21st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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April 21st, 2009

[Apr. 21st, 2009|12:28 am]


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Who. Pietro and Wanda
What. Traveling and things
When. Backdated to right after this
Warnings. Twincest is always possible

And when I'm tired and weary and a long way from home, I just reach for mother Mary and I shall not walk alone. )
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[Apr. 21st, 2009|03:55 pm]


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Who: Jason and George
Where: Their habitual diner
Warnings: George has a fucking mouth like a god damn hell ass sailor.

Wherein there is snarking. )
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[Apr. 21st, 2009|10:36 pm]


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Who: Kakia and Father Daniel Clemens
What: Confession, breaking a Lenten fast
Where: His church
Warnings: Like whoa.

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[Apr. 21st, 2009|10:41 pm]
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Who: Sophie Devereaux and Nathan Ford
What: Dinner, Talking
Where: Schmancy restaurant
Warnings: will update if needed

Sophie believed, in social situations, that it was a woman's prerogative to take as long as needed to get ready, and if that entailed being late, then so be it. Tonight for a change, however, she was ready with time to spare, and simply waiting for Nate to arrive. He was punctual to a fault, he knew, so she only had a few minutes, and they were spent fixes a few flyaway hairs and picking invisible lint off the dress she'd chosen. There was no reason for any sort of nerves - they'd known each other for years. Not that that mattered overly - things had changed, and she hated not knowing where things stood.

She was just reapplying her lipstick when she heard the knock, and took just a moment to finish, dropping the tube into her clutch as she answered door, offering a smile.
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