Under the Rainbow - Logs community - January 31st, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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January 31st, 2009

[Jan. 31st, 2009|10:55 am]
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Who: Petit & Teja
What: no-holds-barred sparring session
Where: Mordhaus, one of the training rooms
When: Right about now
Why: because!
Warnings: Bloods and swearing, likely not much else.

Petit had decided that she actually kind of liked Mordhaus. She wouldn't want to live there for any length of time, but she liked the place well enough to come visit at random.

She'd done her warming up and her preparing at home, it had occurred to her, of course, that Teja had more experience sparring with her than she did with him, but that kind of thing had never stopped her before, and it wasn't about to now either.

She actually came in the front door for once, instead of just slipping in from the Backstage like she usually did, smiling her most winning smile at the guards on duty before breezing right past.
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|06:43 pm]
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Who: Kael'thas Sunstrider and Cyd Sherman
Where: Cyd's apartment
When: Saturday evening
Why: To try and repair their relationship.
Rating: TBD

There was a bit more spring in his step as he shopped for ingredients to make her the perfect dinner. Sure, he could have magically prepared the meal or sent out for it from one of the top restaurants, but Kael took pleasure in the thought of cooking it for her and perhaps she would join in as well.

They had much to discuss, hurts to mend and a lot of apologizing to be done on his part. He only hoped that he could salvage what they had. Once he'd bought everything, he went to her apartment where he gently rapped on the door, bags in hand, and waited for her to answer.
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|07:13 pm]
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Who: Kon and Ophelia
What: Cooking and Revelations
When: Tonight
Where: Ophelia's House

Changes happen, no matter what we want, and no matter how we plan... )
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|08:00 pm]


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Who: Lulu and Skwisgaar-the-younger.
What: Chatting.
When: Saturday evening.
Where: Mordhaus.
Warnings: I literally have no idea. I'll update as needed.

I sort of know you. )
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[Jan. 31st, 2009|09:11 pm]
[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Rory and any of the Gilmore Girls pups who want to post and OTA
What: Chats for anyone who wants to chat
When: Jan 31st Afternoon
Where: Just around town, probably getting coffee
Warnings: None yet.

It's a good day.

Rory smiled happily as she looked in the window of a book store, Coffee in hand and notebook at the ready with several notes already written on the pages. Names of book shops, coffee shops and their addresses adorn the crisp sheets. The girl smiled, wishing her mom was there to enjoy or Ana.

"Or both." Rory murmured to herself and turned from the window, heading on to the next window.
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