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[Jan. 31st, 2009|09:11 pm]
[Current Mood |bouncy]

Who: Rory and any of the Gilmore Girls pups who want to post and OTA
What: Chats for anyone who wants to chat
When: Jan 31st Afternoon
Where: Just around town, probably getting coffee
Warnings: None yet.

It's a good day.

Rory smiled happily as she looked in the window of a book store, Coffee in hand and notebook at the ready with several notes already written on the pages. Names of book shops, coffee shops and their addresses adorn the crisp sheets. The girl smiled, wishing her mom was there to enjoy or Ana.

"Or both." Rory murmured to herself and turned from the window, heading on to the next window.
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[May. 22nd, 2008|11:00 pm]
[Tags|, , ]

Who: Jess and Rory
What: a meeting
Where: Rory's place
When: Right after their fight on the journals
Rating: TBD
Warnings: We'll see
Status: Incomplete

It took him about four tries to figure out what the hell he was doing, when it came to portkeys. He'd ended up in about 4 different places, too, and each one had left him with a deep yearning for the NORMAL world, where he could just get into his car and go to Rory's house, rather than having to deal with weird time periods and messed up ways of travel. But finally he managed to make it to the right spot, or at least close enough that he could walk the rest of the way. The entire trip had left him with knots in his stomach, though those could easily have been attributed to the fact that he was going to see Rory. After their fight and everything that had gone on before that, he just wanted to have things settled. He just wanted to know where he stood with her.

He wanted a chance.

Swallowing heavily, Jess buried his hands in the pockets of his coat, fidgeting a little in the strange clothes, before knocking on the door as loudly as he could, and hoping someone would answer. Preferably someone friendly.
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