Under the Rainbow - Logs community - March 1st, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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March 1st, 2008

[Mar. 1st, 2008|12:33 am]


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Who: Tobias and Belle
What: coffee and insanity. Possible catharsis
Where: Chicago
When: Right now!
Warnings: dude, it's a guy from Oz and a girl who's been an assassin all her life and just got raped. Figure out what kind of warnings go here.

There was no problem with finding the place. She had been to Chicago a couple times, and being a telepaht meant never having to stop and ask directions, anyway.

So it only took twenty minutes for her to arrive, even after factoring in telling Gilbert goodbye and debating whether or not the revolver was overkill.

She had claimed a table close to the door, and was reading a magazine article about water-based gardens.
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[Mar. 1st, 2008|09:54 pm]


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Who: Tesla and House
Where: Wherever they allow visits, but with House being a doctor, I bet he could get them anywhere he wants.
When: Earlier today
Warnings: Nada, they is well behaved, ok?

Being led to see a visitor had become the same thing, a nurse holding her wist guiding her to the same, bland, empty room to sit down with Shawn or Gus, or both, talk about what the doctors wanted her to talk to them about, hug Shawn (bst as she could) smile at Gus and go back to her room toglare at the peppy cheerleader who still gagged herself and wondered why she'd been in there for six months. Six months, please, God, don't let them keep me in here for six months.

She was surprised to walk into the room and see House, an then a bit of dry worry plagued her, so instead of saying 'Hello', the first thing to pop ot of her mouth was. . ."He's not dead, is he?"
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[Mar. 1st, 2008|10:56 pm]


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Who: Belle and Jonas
What: Stopping Belle from doing anything stupid
Where: Belle's apartment
Rating: Triggery material possible and probable.

She hadn't really moved much. Her stuff was mostly packed up and sitting in the place at Georgia. She'd come there under the pretense of grabbing the last of her things when it had all gotten to be too much.

She didn't want Gilbert to worry, or see her like this.

So she was sitting in a chair in a nearly empty room, her iBook humming softly as she stared at it, not quite seeing it. Jonas would be there soon, and she didn't know what to tell him.
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