Under the Rainbow - Logs community - February 5th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
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February 5th, 2008

[Feb. 5th, 2008|12:20 am]


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Who: Irene, Mystique, and Azzie
What: Meet the baby. Who's actually 17, but whatever.
Where: Irene's place?
Warnings: IDK
When: Evening after Azzie arrives

Azzie felt mildly queasy after the port key thing sent her to Essex. It was odd, seeing a younger version of her mother - the one who had carried her for nine months and given birth to her - here, and to know that her other mother - who had, for the sake of conception also been father (it made sense to her, but apparently other people found it confusing) - was here as well. She ran a hand through her reddish brown hair and sighed. Hopefully one of her mothers would have something around for headaches.
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|02:15 am]
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Who. Team Torchwood and whoever else will help.
What. Apocalypse plot.
When. Backdated to over the weekend.
Where. London

Ianto stood waiting for everyone to turn up. He had, on Owen's advice, managed to get some word to the other versions of the people he knew from Torchwood. Saying if they wanted to do something to help with what was going on then they were more that welcome to join up and work with them. True it would be a little odd but still there was work to be done and they'd get on with it no doubt.

As he waited he decided it would be probably best if he didn't call Reinette again, once had been fine, maybe the time was second needed when Owen was saying he was dropping Lyssa off there, but the third time... maybe too soon so a fourth wouldn't be the wisest. He wished someone would turn up soon if only then to give him a distraction from his phone.
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|03:24 pm]


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Who: God and Sam Winchester
When: Um. Today? A hey yay we're alive celebration?
Where: Sam's place.
Rating/Warnings: Probably NC-17 as there is smut involved. It's God, people. Haven't you learned?

Bow chicka wow wow... )
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|04:59 pm]


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Who: Brooke Davis & Jacen Solo
What: They're going to Brooke themselves and then Brooke each other.
When: We'll go with right now
Where: Jacen's place
Rating: NC-17

Brooking behind the cut )
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|05:51 pm]
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Who: Tony Stark and Thirteen
What: Shopping since her house and job are gone she doesn't have clothes :P
When: Tonight
Where: Um.. stores?
Warnings: TBD

Remy was all set to get new clothes. She didn't remember the last time she could afford new clothes. Sure her salary now was better then it had been in ages, but she still had loans to pay off. And it wasn't every day that some rich guy offered to buy her stuff. Maybe if her house and her job weren't destroyed she wouldn't have taken his offer. But they were, and here she was, waiting for him to come and meet her at the car so they could go shopping.

Why did he even want to go shopping? Wasn't that like a girl thing to go buy clothes? She guessed it was to make sure she wasn't going to go buy 5 cars or something instead.
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|08:10 pm]
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Who: Anya Lehnsherr and Henry McCoy
What: A little post-Apocalyptic dinner
Warnings: Excessive cuteness.

The rhapsody of angels refuse to dance alone )
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|09:07 pm]


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Who: Mia J and Guido
What: Meeting and talking
When: Next evening after Apocalypse is defeated
Where: X-Factor

Read more... )
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|09:21 pm]
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Who: Cass, Dom, Luna, Muse, Dutchman, Rachel, and Pansy
When: Apocalypse plot.
Where: Everywhere and your mom.
Why: To show what they were up to, I suppose.

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[Feb. 5th, 2008|10:22 pm]
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Who: Harley and Tom
What: Lunchtime Confessions
When: Today
Where: Random Restaurant

Harley and Tom decided meeting at the restaurant made mose sense than Tom dropping by the house, or Harley heading over to meet him. Harley arrived first and secured a table for them. He played with his silversware to keep his hands busy, eyes darting to the door and gazing out the window. Nervous as he was, he wanted to get it over with. He felt his lungs tighten when he finally saw Tom, and he shifted in his seat. Hands flat on the silverware to keep from fiddling with it.

"Hey," he smiled.
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|11:40 pm]
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Who. Kit, Lyssa, Reinette & Owen
What. Lyssa's having the baby
When. Monday night

Apparently the responsible one. )
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