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[Feb. 5th, 2008|10:22 pm]
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Who: Harley and Tom
What: Lunchtime Confessions
When: Today
Where: Random Restaurant

Harley and Tom decided meeting at the restaurant made mose sense than Tom dropping by the house, or Harley heading over to meet him. Harley arrived first and secured a table for them. He played with his silversware to keep his hands busy, eyes darting to the door and gazing out the window. Nervous as he was, he wanted to get it over with. He felt his lungs tighten when he finally saw Tom, and he shifted in his seat. Hands flat on the silverware to keep from fiddling with it.

"Hey," he smiled.
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[Jan. 30th, 2008|10:10 pm]
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Who Ian, Gabe, Tom and Harley
What Ian has been FOUND! Alive, no less!
Where Kent Memorial
When Just now, actually. Wednesday evening
Warnings Mention of muggage.

'She was one of those women who other women can't stand and men dribble all over.''So. Sorta like a urinal?' )
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