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[Apr. 1st, 2009|09:18 pm]
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WHO: Reinette and the Human!Doctor.
WHERE: Huis ten Bosch Palace.
WHEN: After this.
STATUS: In progress.

She truly could not fathom how her Doctor could stand to have this in his head constantly. )
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[Jan. 3rd, 2009|10:18 pm]
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WHO: Reinette and the Human!Doctor.
WHERE: Huis ten Bosch Palace.
WHEN: Early evening.
STATUS: In progress.

What could have happened that he had become so bitter? )
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[Aug. 15th, 2008|10:59 pm]
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who. Ianto & Reinette
where. sorta Cardiff.
when. friday evening

Sneaky Ianto is sneaky. )
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[Jul. 23rd, 2008|10:26 am]
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who. Ianto & Reinette
where. bute park, cardiff
when. afternoonish

Cut text here )
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April 7, 2008 - Evening [Apr. 7th, 2008|09:12 am]
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Who: Ianto and Reinette
What: Dinner
When: This evening
Warnings: Don't think so?

Reinette was preparing dinner. Ianto had been instructing her as of late. Though she certainly did not feel as up to par as he was, she was certainly improving her culinary skills. This life was so different from the one that she knew. Now if only she had some friends. It wasn't like she had ladies in wait to spend an afternoon with anymore.

She had chosen to make a steak, since it was not that hard. Not after Ianto had shown her how to check for redness. She also had some salad and simple steamed vegetables. It was a start and she was proud at her success. Now she just needed a dinner companion.
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[Feb. 18th, 2008|02:59 am]
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who. Ianto & Reinette
when. after getting back from visiting Lyssa
where. Reinette's place

Ianto pulled the car up and got out to go open the door for Reinette, they were back at her after he'd gone up to see Lyssa and Rain briefly and then taken Owen home on the way. Leaving Kit at the pub being pretty sure she'd find her way back in the morning or whenever Owen would see her again, he was sure Owen would tell him if only complaining about her being out for so long. Ianto had no problem in beliving she would be fine, like father like daughter and if Rain as cute and like Lyssa she looked at the moment was anything to go by she'd end up like her father too. Which meant babysitting would be fun. Fun in quotes of course.

He leant on the car door while he watched Reinette. Wondering when he'd got lucky being with her.
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[Feb. 5th, 2008|11:40 pm]
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Who. Kit, Lyssa, Reinette & Owen
What. Lyssa's having the baby
When. Monday night

Apparently the responsible one. )
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