Jun. 1st, 2010


Who: Arwen and Aragorn
What: Aragorn dodged his duties and goes to see Arwen instead
When: Game-time
Where: Citadel
Rating/Status: PG/Part One of Two

Read more... )
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May. 12th, 2010


Who: Arwen & open
What: Arwen is looking for a place to start an orphanage.
When: Afternoon
Where: 5th level of Minas Tirith
Rating/Status: On-going.

There was something so disheartening about the scene in front of her and yet, somehow, there seemed to be a glimmer of hope. )

Mar. 12th, 2010


Meeting Arwen

Who: Arwen and Idril
When: After Arwen arrives in Minis Tirith
Where: Arwen's Rooms
What: A meeting of kin.
Status: Incomplete

She was both excited and nervous at once. )
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Mar. 9th, 2010


WHO: Elrohir and Arwen!
WHAT: Some brother-sister bonding time!
WHERE: The Rivendell elves' quarters in the citadel. Minas Tirith.
WHEN: Whenever now is. Late morning/noontime.
NOTES: G. Incomplete (to be completed via threading).

This morning, he had discovered a gem of a bakery tucked away in the corners of the Fourth Level. )
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Mar. 7th, 2010


who: Arwen, Aragorn and a Hilary-murdered Elrond.
what: Arwen and Aragorn are finally reunited!
when: Game-time
where: Aragorn's throne room.
rating/status: PG-13 (for kissing!!!)/Complete

Arwen Undómiel shall not diminish her life's grace for less cause. She shall not be the bride of any man less than the King of Gondor and Arnor! To me then even our victory can bring only sorrow and pain – but for you hope of joy for a while! )

Mar. 5th, 2010


who: arwen, erestor, glorfindel and an assumed elrond. also the rest of arwen's travel party.
what: rivendelves' arrival in minas tirith.
where: minas tirith.
when: game time!
notes: pg, pretty much complete!

the tale began when arathorn, aragorn's father, wanted to marry gilraen the fair )

Feb. 19th, 2010


"What is nookie? Is it like cookies?"

Who: Arwen, Erestor, Glorfindel

What: Scrabble-ish games while tent parking overnight on the roadside and getting some sleeps so elves don't have to take the riding along brain-naps! And because Arwen needs sleeps. Aww. Pesky mortality. There's aww moment at the end of it, though. <3

When: Presently!

Where: Uhm...follow the dirty brown road?

Notes: PG-13/Complete/short-form...sporfle-riffic. This log is brought to you courtesy of nyquil, that doesn't help you get your zzz's it just kinda leaves your brain wasted for the laughing too much.

INAPPROPRIATE, that's what it is. )