Mar. 13th, 2010


Glorfindel was very masterful at looking at the bright side of everything.

Who: Glorfindel, Idril

What: Meeting in the citadel! Advice about weird stalkers and then Glorfindel decides he's going to be a...weird stalker too.

When: Presentlyish!

Where: Citadel, Minas Tirith

Notes: Safe for public consumption/Complete

Its a quality the nitpickers and naysayers of the world find highly annoying. )

Mar. 5th, 2010


who: arwen, erestor, glorfindel and an assumed elrond. also the rest of arwen's travel party.
what: rivendelves' arrival in minas tirith.
where: minas tirith.
when: game time!
notes: pg, pretty much complete!

the tale began when arathorn, aragorn's father, wanted to marry gilraen the fair )

Feb. 23rd, 2010



Who: ooc-Idril, ooc-Glorfindel. Then its icly Maglor, Daeron, Fingon, Rat the Messenger NPC, round man, crazy seamstress, and (un)enthused baker. Not in that exact order.

What: 3G elven brain cellphone coverage (in ooc blip at the beginning). Maglor and Daeron go to the market and finally get rid of those scruffy things they were wearing with nice new robe things, and get some ale and bread with a side of Westron. Some talk of the East and Melian and bardish stuff too. *salutes!*

When: A little while after the end of this log, so same day as the family fued, more or less.

Where: Inn, market

Notes: PG-ish/Complete/short-form cuz its a weeknight, and its more bang for the buck...and takes under 5 minutes to edit. Additional note: if anyone wants longform just say so, I can do both easily! (And I'll gladly edit!)

We interupt this broadcast for a totally ooc blip of LOLwut? )


Feb. 19th, 2010


"What is nookie? Is it like cookies?"

Who: Arwen, Erestor, Glorfindel

What: Scrabble-ish games while tent parking overnight on the roadside and getting some sleeps so elves don't have to take the riding along brain-naps! And because Arwen needs sleeps. Aww. Pesky mortality. There's aww moment at the end of it, though. <3

When: Presently!

Where: Uhm...follow the dirty brown road?

Notes: PG-13/Complete/short-form...sporfle-riffic. This log is brought to you courtesy of nyquil, that doesn't help you get your zzz's it just kinda leaves your brain wasted for the laughing too much.

INAPPROPRIATE, that's what it is. )

Jan. 26th, 2010


Personal stakes do tend to make people nervous, even when they should know better.

Who: Boromir, Erestor, Glorfindel

Where: Rivendell.

What: A little debate, a little wine, a little conversation about Gondor and family...a little 'how to make a chief advisor's elvish ears turn red.' Ha ha!

When: BACKLOG - just after the Council of Elrond, before the Fellowship set out for Mordor.

Rating: G? PG-ish? Its pretty tame, but no less humorous for what was implied. XD

I would hope that this course of things will do some good still. )