Jul. 14th, 2010


There I was enchanted, and forgot the Sea in my heart...

Who: Voronwë and Luthien
Where: Sitting on 'his' wall, upper levels of the city
When: Early afternoon present time
What: Thoughts of the past
Status Threading/open

No more were the willow-meads... )

May. 19th, 2010


Sing a little song...

Who: Voronwë and Gimli and Legolas
Where: The Proud Swan (a tavern)
When: Early evening (present time)
What: An Elf singing mostly for his own pleasure
Status: Threading/incomplete
Rating: G so far

Greatly cheered and encouraged by his conversation with Radagast... )

Apr. 29th, 2010


Dazed Days

Who: Voronwë, tagging Radagast
When: Present time
Where: One of the upper levels of the City
What: Restless contemplations
Rating: G for now
Status: Incomplete/Threading

The more Voronwë read of his past, the more thoughtful he became )

Apr. 11th, 2010


A vision in the Night - a minute after midnight

Who: Voronwë and Idril
When: Shortly after midnight
Where: Close to the Guest houses of the Steward
What: Voronwë's vision and then a walk in the night
Status/rating: Incomplete/PG for mention of death

As visions go, this was the worst... )
Tags: ,

Apr. 4th, 2010


Confused and lost...

Who: Voronwë and Radagast
When: Early morning present time
Where: Outside the Gates of Minas Tirith, close to the tent city of the Rohirrim
What: Voronwë wakes up very far from the ship he was sailing only hours ago...
Rating: G
Status: Complete

Waking up on the hard ground of a bare plain had been strange enough... )