Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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[Dec. 31st, 2008|08:05 pm]
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Lydia. )
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[Dec. 30th, 2008|09:34 am]

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Hey. All 20something of you Greek types. Listen up.

You keep your Heroes to your island, and I'll keep my kids in my ruined city, and if my shit hits your fan or vice-versa, let's not get all tooth and nail about it this millennium. I know you won't be able to knock out another Alexander, and I sure as hell won't be able to knock out another Darius.

So yes. Monaco's still happy-funtime place. Be nice to your host. 

As for my more Heavenly/hellish brethren... keep at, luvs, you're doing swimmingly.

Sadako )
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[Dec. 28th, 2008|10:08 pm]
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Hello, World.

Looks like a brand new day.
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[Dec. 28th, 2008|08:54 pm]
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Momos. )
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[Dec. 28th, 2008|06:41 pm]
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Anyone have any suggestions for a good place to live?

Somewhere not New York.

Ate )
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[Dec. 28th, 2008|06:27 pm]
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I've the distinct impression I'm late to the party.
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[Dec. 26th, 2008|10:50 pm]
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[Current Mood |blank]

To All Greek Deities )

Sam Winchester )

Hermes )
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[Dec. 19th, 2008|09:48 pm]

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So I'm reasonably certain that my girlfriend would leave me for a good enough cheesecake.

Is this unique to the crazy green fella, or are there other ladies out there (Frost women excepted, because, you know, duh) who, upon being faced with a cheese-based custard pie of sufficient richness, would totally leave their sexy sexy manimal?
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[Dec. 15th, 2008|01:02 pm]

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[locked from catholic clergy]

Reposting, in case anyone missed it, because EVERYONE is invited. Even you. It's the must-go Saturnalia party of the season!

You're Invited!

Come one, come all, to the Saturnalia Ball!

December 17th. - That's THIS WEDNESDAY.

Where: The Cathedral In NYC.

Who: Anyone and everyone... so long as you're legal.

What: Saturnalia!

Not a celebrant of Saturnalia? Who cares. It's a reason to party! And who doesn't like a party this time of year? There will be food. there will be drinking. There will be entertainment.

But there's a catch!

Saturnalia is marked with Role-Reversal... And so everyone must show in costume. Not just any costume - a costume depicting something that is your opposite. Masters may come as servants! Men can come as women! If you're particularly extraordinary, come dressed as a normal joe! Whatever you like, so long as it's something you're not.

Come, have fun, and enjoy yourselves in this lovely world we've been given.
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|11:43 am]

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[Current Mood |chipper]

[Locked from Father Clemens] )
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[Dec. 13th, 2008|09:40 am]
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My first week as a fourth grade science teacher was AWFUL

Have you ever been outnumbered twenty to one? And by nine year olds?!?

Are you people positive that capital punishment isn't accepted in schools?
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[Dec. 12th, 2008|06:44 pm]

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...as if the repetitive Christmas music wasn't enough.

I hate glitter.
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[Dec. 11th, 2008|01:33 am]

Words cannot express how glad I am I'm not in London.

That shit is wrong.
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[Dec. 8th, 2008|01:50 am]
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So am I just supposed to move on? Because I don't know how people just come here and accept this so easily.
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[Dec. 4th, 2008|07:20 pm]

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[Current Mood |curious]

Now that I have a house boy, I'm thinking I should buy a house? I could just keep him in my apartment, but I figure sooner or later there won't be anything left to clean.

Anyone got any ideas? Places to move? Anything like that?

Ate )
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[Nov. 29th, 2008|07:45 pm]
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I'm feeling decidedly more generous today. Angel, make your way back to the suite. I have something for you. A few somethings.

Lady Kakia, Lady Adikia, I do remember the pair of you mentioning a party for the nights of Saturnalia? And I never bothered to offer my help. I'd like to remedy that, if you'd accept.

And... well, fuck it. Anyone else have a deep, dirty wish they're looking to get fulfilled? I'm in a giving mood. It doesn't happen often. Speak now, or forever wish you did.
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[Nov. 27th, 2008|09:54 pm]
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Kakia - What exactly was the point of asking me for 18 pies, if you weren't going to eat them all?

And where did my leftovers go?
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[Nov. 25th, 2008|09:59 pm]

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[Current Mood |amused]

Ate )
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[Nov. 11th, 2008|04:49 pm]

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[Current Mood |excited]

That's right. She's pregnant and I did it.

It's MY baby! Mine!
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[Nov. 9th, 2008|12:56 pm]

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Ares has a good point.

I see we've already set up with him though. Good work, Serpent. Taking the initiative is something I love to see.

Ares, with all due respect, it would be prudent if you kept those warheads for a better day. I have a feeling something big will happen one day that may need them.
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[Nov. 9th, 2008|01:38 am]

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[Current Mood |curious]

Gentlemen with significant others of the fairer sex,

I have a question for you.

Would you rather have your woman make love with another man, or another woman, or neither? And why?

I personally have no issue with same sex relations, while I definitely have territorial issues when it comes to her being near/around/touching another dick. She's wondering why it's different, so I though I'd ask and make sure I'm not the only one with the same conditions.
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|10:55 pm]

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[Current Mood |dirty]

I'm looking for someone.

Really hot ass chick at Henry's Halloween party the other day, whose name I didn't catch. )
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|10:35 pm]

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[Current Mood |contemplative]

I'm bored.

There are no good wars here. I'm going to have to start one myself.

Where should I point my missiles? I'm thinking that little town with all those monuments. I never liked that house anyway.

Any other suggestions? I'm easily swayed with bribes of young virgins and money.
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|06:25 pm]
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Wicked Witches, Serpents, Demons, Fallen Angels...

I'm starting to like this place.

Might be the first time I'm not automatically voted in as Person Most Likely to be Banned.
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[Nov. 8th, 2008|09:47 pm]

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If anyone sees a Kansas farm girl wearing some exceedingly shiny ruby slippers, could you tell me?

I have this distinct urge to punch her in the face, you see.
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[Nov. 7th, 2008|01:57 pm]
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I'm hungry. I want some cheese, like, some really expensive fancy cheese. You know. That cammenberny kind.

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[Nov. 6th, 2008|04:00 am]

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I am alone.

I am UTTERLY alone.
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[Nov. 4th, 2008|10:14 pm]

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[Current Mood |satisfied]

Marriages are so easy to get out of when your girlfriend is the goddess of Ruin.

Ate )
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[Nov. 3rd, 2008|09:51 pm]
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And it's... back to square one. At least until I settle down to get the others back.

Angel )
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[Oct. 29th, 2008|11:15 pm]
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So on one hand... this kitchen is fantastic. And if everyone wants to consider it mine, well... I won't be telling Bobby Flay he's been outed.

On the other? This whole thing is weird.

I'm kind of torn... Figure out what's going on, or play with all these shiny appliances...
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[Oct. 29th, 2008|07:54 pm]

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[Current Mood |confused]

Yeah...so that was a little odd.

Sure, I don't mind being on TV. But a little notice would have been nice. Not that I didn't pull it off, but still.

Anyone have any idea where I am and why people are calling me Jon Stewart? And has anyone seen Ate?
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