Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game - July 17th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Under the Rainbow - a panfandom game

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July 17th, 2008

[Jul. 17th, 2008|01:26 am]

... Ray?... Hancock?

I.. okay this is just too confusing. Someone want to clue me in? Here I thought I'd seen everything weird.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|01:57 am]


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Sam Winchester )
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:08 am]


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Oh dammit, this place again?

That wasn't even a hundred years! How long have I been gone this time? Anyone know the date?

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[Jul. 17th, 2008|03:31 pm]
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So apparently here? I'm married. I've not seen the woman but she called last night saying she's on a business trip in Austria. Can I just say this is the weirdest situation I've ever been in?

Is this sort of thing normal in this place? You're in one universe, unmarried and then you pop up here and suddenly you have a wife?
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|04:59 pm]
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Dad... as in John Winchester is my dad )
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|05:16 pm]
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So, anyone hiring?

'Cause I got t'lookin' around Casa de Deadpool(Shut up, Nate) and I decided that I could use some upgrades.

Strictly freelance kinda work. Me and commitment? We don't get along so well. Long story involving Mexico. I don't wanna talk about Mexico.

So, any takers? C'mon. Problem is, I got this friend that's all Holier-Than-Thou, so, uh, let's keep this at a decent PG-13, like you can see the hottie in a wet t-shirt, but she still has her top on. That kinda PG-13.

♫Who can it beeeee now? Ba-Ra-Da-Daaaa-Rum♫
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|07:13 pm]


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[Jul. 17th, 2008|07:33 pm]
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Rei? I really enjoyed our session the other day. We should do it again, now that I've recovered. Are you free sometime this weekend? I'll buy lunch.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|07:49 pm]
So, not going to go back to the apartment anytime soon.

I shudder to think what horrors are being perpetrated.

There goes our security deposit.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:10 pm]


Naruto, let's go out somewhere tomorrow.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:12 pm]

Domi-chan? I suddenly find myself needing to be very drunk. Would you oblige me?

I would invite you, Ms. Frost, but I think the whole thing would be far too tasteless for your sensibilities.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:14 pm]
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So much work lately.

But you know what they say about too much work.

Who wants to see the stars?
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:34 pm]
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[Edit]There must be one among you who would marry me and bear my children.

I am looking for a young woman to join me for a romantic evening.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:35 pm]
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Must be the moon. I am not even entertained by my book tonight.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:38 pm]
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Summer classes really blow.

I need to blow off some steam.

Anybody in the mood for a wild night?
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|08:46 pm]
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New York is far too hot for Hans' liking.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:10 pm]




I woke up next to some horrible, goody two shoes Summers and I want an explanation right fucking now!

(OOC: Lorna is from an AU where she was included in the original BoEM, and has never repented, even when Magneto did several times.)
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:28 pm]

Fuck. Putain merde.

Where am I? What the hell is this?

Angela? Are you here?

(OOC: Marius is from the X-universe, born to Alex and Belle there. Belle didn't survive their birth, and he's been raised by Mattie and Alex. He is also heir to the Guild, though he wishes that were otherwise.)
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:34 pm]


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The Mexican food that I had for lunch wasn't bad. It's not indigestion. The cramps are getting worse... and um... I think my water just broke. In your recliner.

In other words... IT'S TIME!

Emily/Faith/Sam - Meet us at the hospital! You're getting your niece or nephew!

((OOC: Solvei and future!Dean are back in their own universe. Sol never came here and Dean has settled down to have a "normal" life with her. This is what would've happened if she had never come here, hadn't lost their baby, fallen in love with Kyle, etc. Feel free to say something to her, but if she didn't know you in her world, she won't know who you are.))
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:41 pm]
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Right so um.. Brenna's birthday is coming up soon, and we're going to have a party. Next weekend, on the 26th. I would have had it this weekend but full moon and all. Everyone's invited, especially those with kids.

Oh and since it's summer we're getting one of those uh.. huge.. slip n slide things? So bathing suits and towels are good.

Oh and the most important part: it's a surprise. Well like she knows she's having a party, but she thinks it's just family, not some huge thing. And she's going to be 7.

She also wants to go out this full moon, like outside to run around. I dunno, I'm feeling anxious about it, just cause she hasn't before. But it's her birthday.

Bridg )
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:41 pm]
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Another f-ing day, another few thousand words for the insipid masses. What a mess.

(ooc: Alex is from a universe where he never became a Starfighter, and became a novelist who wrote his dreams of success into words. He is successful, and unsatisfied, hating his life, and always missing something more.)
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:44 pm]


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What a world!

Screw work. It's almost Friday! Let's party!

(ooc: Merlin is from a world where he succeeded at Camelot and created a Golden age, then lost it all a thousand years later. He is a party man, silly, and takes little serious.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:52 pm]
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S-Men, Assemble! There is something very wrong here, and I have a feeling that it is that evil Onslaught and his Dark Team behind it!
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|09:59 pm]



You forget how nice freedom is until you don't have it anymore. However, I cannot afford this apartment. So I will be looking for a new one.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|10:12 pm]


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Another day, another dollar.

Anyone feel like getting drunk and fucking?
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|10:48 pm]



Well, this is a bit annoying.
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|10:49 pm]


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Dear Queen:

You're lucky that you're one of my favorite bands, or else I might be holding a grudge against you for having this song stuck in my head. As it is, I'm only mildly annoyed.


Jason Peter Todd

PS: Heeeeeeere we are! Born to be kings, we're the princes of the universe!
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|11:12 pm]



I...find myself becoming worried as the summer goes on. Apparently, school starts in September.

Somehow, the person I replaced is a....'junior' or some such thing at some high school.

I have never been to school and I am becoming worried about going.

What is school like?
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|11:52 pm]


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Carrion is... I have to get to Mater Motley before she releases the Sacbrood.

But this is -

Why am I in the Hereafter? This again? Lordy Lou.

(OOC: Candy is from after the incidents in Book 2 instead of book 1 like I've been playing her. She's aware of the other soul that cohabits her body - Princess Boa - , and is ready to lead a war for the Abarat. She's also a WAY more kickacss incantatrix than she used to be because of the awareness of Boa. Boa's the fancy other font, 'cause sometimes Candy wants to use italics too. So! She remembers being brought here, but then taken away one day, back to the Abarat, where Book 2 things happened. She'll remember her friends and family as they used to be - which, for her, is about four months ago.)
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[Jul. 17th, 2008|11:58 pm]



Is my sibling around?

Any of the ones, related by blood or otherwise, who AREN'T the one that left me on a street corner drunk last time I went looking for my siblings?
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