December 7th, 2013

[info]tt_dempster in [info]tutistempus

RP: a dinner date

Date: 7. December, 2002 (evening)
Characters: Demp & Lavender
Setting: The York Pub
Content: TBD
Status: Complete : Private

Dempster arrived a little before seven to wait for Lavender outside the pub. )

[info]tt_james in [info]tutistempus

RP: a week off, day 1

Date: 7. December, 2002 (evening)
Characters: James & Lily; open to James & Lily's friends who might want to stop by!
Setting: Lily & James' house
Content: TBD
Status: Open : Public (ish)

Lily & James take a staycation. )

[info]tt_lisat in [info]tutistempus

RP: a night in with mum

Date: 7. December, 2002 (evening)
Characters: Lisa & Marie Tuprin
Setting: Lisa's house
Content: Gen
Status: Closed : Private

Lisa can't put off her mum anymore. )

[info]tt_james in [info]tutistempus

journal entry; #018

[Private to Remus]

Mate, Lily and I are making pizza at home, our first night of vacation. You're more than welcome to join, just come on over to the house, we'd love to catch up.
- Prongs