September 22nd, 2013

[info]tt_lavenderb in [info]tutistempus


Who: Lavender Brown, Dempster Wiggleswade
When: Sunday morning
Where: Lavender's house
What: Sometimes it just needs to be said.
Rating: TBD
Open/Closed: Open: Private

Neither of them had shifts until after midday, so Lavender had insisted on making breakfast )

[info]tt_ginny in [info]tutistempus

RP: Mass Event between Settlements

Date: 22 September 2002
Characters: Ginny Weasley, Marcus Flint (?), lots of NPC's, medical personnel, anyone with reason to be at the medical center, etc.
Setting: Outside Settlement Three
Content: PG [There might be swearing.]
Status: Complete

The ground opens up. )

[info]tt_kingsleys in [info]tutistempus

Journal Entry 005

*** This is a settlement wide alert ***

At approximately 4:00 pm local time, we experienced massive tectonic shifting causing a canyon to be torn between Settlement Two and Three along the main driving pathway.

There were twelve injuries resulting from this event. All members of the Engineering Wizard Team Seven, the medical personnel assigned to them, and the volunteers helping were all levitated out of the twenty foot deep chasm and brought to the medical center on Settlement One at approximately 5:15 pm.

Next of kin has been notified.

The remaining Engineering Teams are confined to the Settlements as of this evening. All further reinforcing efforts will be made from within the Settlements.

All citizens are notified that it is now mandatory to keep a packed bag and their datapad close at hand in case a total evacuation to the floating vessels is ordered.

Please restrict direct messages to the Command Center to emergency notifications only.