TREAT YO SELF. [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
A Comm on Feeling Hella Boss.

You're so   filthy,
and I'm   gorgeous.

[6th Jan. 2013 • 19:25]

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For those of you into nail polish, Zoya (which is 5-free rather than just 3-three) is apparently doing a pretty sweet sale where you can get three of their nail polishes for free and only pay the $10 for shipping. There are a few exceptions like the new spring collections and the real gold flake topcoat, but otherwise, every other actual nail polish is game! It starts tomorrow and runs for a week.

Unfortunately, it's also Continental US only :| And if anyone wants some colour suggestions, I can offer a few, though I don't know their stuff quite as well as, say, OPI or China Glaze yet. But the nail polishes I've used from them so far have been fantastic.
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pin curls! [31st Dec. 2012 • 00:29]

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So I'm attempting pin curls for the first time, and I thought I'd chronicle my attempts here. I'm following this tutorial, because I basically love all of this lady's tutorials.

Step One )

So I'll be sleeping on this and leaving it in until... probably after lunch tomorrow, just to make sure it really dries.
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Of course I would post about nail polish -- [16th Dec. 2012 • 15:57]

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Does anyone have any suggestions in terms of good quick-dry top-coats? I've been using Seche Vite for the last few months, but now that my bottle seems to be nearing its end in terms of content and efficacy, I'm thinking about trying something else. I like how quickly SV becomes dry enough to touch, smooths out mistakes, and the shininess, but the shrinkage issues is a huge problem -- I can't wrap my tips (my nails are extremely short), but even if I could, I get MASSIVE shrinkage near the cuticles that makes my manicure look ridiculously sloppy and like my nails have grown out for awhile within hours. I can't keep polish on for more than two or three days because that look bothers me so much.

The other top-coats I've been considering based on reviews are Essie's Good to Go and that Sally Hansen one that comes in the translucent red bottle. But I'm not sure which to go for. I heard there's some Poshe one that everyone likes, but I wouldn't be able to buy it in a store and I'd rather do that than go online.

[10th Dec. 2012 • 12:02]

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Face of the day! )
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[9th Dec. 2012 • 10:20]

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So I'm still curious as to what natural stuff people use. Also, I dunno how accurate the links I'm linking to are.

I have combination skin. My diet and sleep cycle have been horrid, so I find it hard to tell what works and what doesn't. I haven't experienced one of those magical "WHOA EVERYTHING WAS GONE THE NEXT DAY!!" things I've read when I looked over some reviews, though. I want to try jojoba oil next, but I dunno how that'll work out.

Anyway, I have tried adding baking soda to Cetaphil, and then I use a 1:4 apple cider vinegar to water toner after that. I like the first part; it leaves my skin feeling really soft, and I use that Olay ProX brush with it. I dunno if that counts as "natural". I hate the second's smell. But my friend said something about acid-base, so I do it. I'm slightly skeptical about it really balancing it out, and I just want to blot my face with pH paper afterwards, though. I've also tried applying apple cider vinegar directly onto some spots, like I heard someone else suggest, but it didn't work that well for me.

I've been using witch hazel as a toner. I generally like it, but it has been drying my face out, too (obviously). I THINK it's better for me than some other store-bought stuff, though.

I also use a rose water spray. I like it a lot, and it sometimes leaves my face feeling really soft.

So what do you use, and how has it worked out for you?

[29th Nov. 2012 • 10:43]

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Showing off my new highlights, because if something costs me $200 I'm going to show it off as much as I want.

Before & After )

I didn't use a filter on the 'after' picture because lol the whole point is to show the highlights. THEY ARE REALLY SUBTLE and I kind of love them, because they're totally going to grow out beautifully, which is a huge issue for me as my hair grows really really fast. Also this is the first time I've colored my hair in any way in SIX YEARS, which is insane. So, you know... baby steps. My interns (of course) told me to go platinum blonde.
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[23rd Nov. 2012 • 10:24]

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Do you use sulfate-free shampoo? What kind doy you use / have you tried? I"m trying to figure out where I can get one.
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Question! [24th Oct. 2012 • 14:45]

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Do you guys have any recommendations for a nighttime lotion/cream for your face? I use Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion right now (for everything), but just wondering if there is anything better than that.

Thank you!

P.S. This community is awesome. *_*
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with pictures because it's fun. [21st Oct. 2012 • 23:00]

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DIY Facemask )
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[21st Oct. 2012 • 21:35]

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Two quick questions.

1) I am a big fan of using all natural stuff in my daily/weekly/whatever routine as much as possible - I would be lost without honey, egg, olive oil and white vinegar - and was wondering if anyone else would be down to exchange some ideas/tips re: that? Idk if there'd be that much interest since it seems a lot of you use store bought products (no hate, just stating), but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask!

2) Similarly, would there be any interest in some sort of body modification tag? Not tattoo pics or anything (unless you feel the need to share!), but basically after rambling last night to a friend over what information I have regarding stretching ears... Totally realized that exchanging information about piercing/tattoo/stretching/whatever care could potentially fit in perfectly here. Also as I'm no longer piercing have nothing against going ridiculously in-depth on any information I do have on any of the subjects pertinent to my past training to anyone even slightly interested haha.
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[17th Oct. 2012 • 16:45]

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My Urban Decay order (AND MY BALLOT!!!) finally came in the mail, so here's a haul/review post pour vous~

Cameo by Portland Black Lipstick Co. )
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[15th Oct. 2012 • 18:08]

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Guys I have the DRIEST SKIN.

My roomie/cousin claimes that I have scabies because my legs look so bad in the winter. I sometimes do the petroleum jelly trick (put it on and then wear/pants socks over it and it helps I KNOW THAT SOME PPL SAY NOT TO DO IT BUT IT WORKS AMAZING) but I have three pair of sleep pants and you pretty much have to wash your pants after that because they wind up being a hot mess. I also have an extremely dry face to the point that most mousterizers basically do nothing (also I have the compounded issue of having EXTREMELY sensitive skin and I can't use a lot of lotions and stuff).

Also I shower twice a day (although I rarely use soap, I just 'rinse' and wash my hair because otherwise I feel straight nasty when I wake up and then I work at a coffee shop so um if I don't wash my body off after that I smell super bad at my other job).

So please rec me some of your favorites to help your skin stay not so dry. Also I am on a budget, so please rec me things that are on the less expensive side.
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beware of photo [8th Oct. 2012 • 22:18]

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i guess this post is about skincare )
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MAKEUP FEELINGS: themed palettes edition. [6th Oct. 2012 • 19:52]

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NARS has an Andy Warhol collection.

I'm feeling super-mixed feelings -- do I just like this because I'm a former art student?, is liking something Andy Warhol-branded a tool move?, IS IT SECRETLY SHITTY? -- but I'm stupidly excited regardless. This, of course, reminds me of the crazy run /r/makeupaddiction made on the True Blood palette and all that, which brings me to ask the question: how does everyone feel about themed make-up palettes? Quality of kitsch?
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[3rd Oct. 2012 • 20:27]

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details behind this )
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[3rd Oct. 2012 • 15:38]

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Nail Polish Stuff Here )

So I am going to do something a lil' bit different with the rest of this post today and pose a question: I know makeup is supposed to expire after a certain amount of time. How many of you actually toss your makeup after its expiration date?

NOT ME. For the most part, anyway. If I use liquid foundation, I only use the one until I run out, which is usually within a few months, but I have powders that have lasted me for years. I don't toss out dry things like eyeshadow or blush, and I haven't noticed any difference in quality. Neither have I ever tossed a nail polish. The only thing I really throw out is mascara, since I can tell when it starts to get clumpy, and even this is several months after the recommended 4. Who uses up a whole tube of mascara in 4 months anyway? I never have, and I wear it basically every day!

Is this safe for me to do? I HAVE NO IDEA! What about you guys?
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[1st Oct. 2012 • 10:00]

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Fun fact: in San Francisco we get our "summer" in the fall. October and November are generally the warmest months (read: the only warm months) of the year. Today it's supposed to be 86 apparently (30 for you Celsius fools) which I'm pretty sure MUST make it the hottest day we've had all year.

This is a picture that I took out of my open window this morning while I was reveling in the fact that I could OPEN MY WINDOW OMG at 8am. )

ANYWAY I AM CELEBRATING BY LOOKING SUPER CUTE AND NOT WEARING ANY PANTS! Or leggings or tights or any of the other things I cover my legs with on a daily basis because I live in a very chilly city.

This is a picture of me today, looking cute. )

ALSO I came into the office this morning to find my Urban Decay sale order sitting on my desk! So hooray for that, and thank you to [info]stannis for posting about it here and giving the rest of us the heads up!

This is an Instagram picture of my Urban Decay order. )
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[27th Sep. 2012 • 23:04]

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HELLO LOVELY PEOPLE. So I was reading over [info]faeriexlights's post about ideas for treating eye puffiness, and to sort of spin off of that, I was wondering if anyone had any potential suggestions/remedies of makeup tactics that could help fight off permanent dark under-eye circles. My whole family has this sort of genetic basset-hound look that keeps us looking like we've been in a boxing match no matter how much sleep we get or if we're tired or feeling completely awake, and I just have never been able to figure out a solution.

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MORE HAIR INDECISION. [27th Sep. 2012 • 18:18]

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HELLO FRIENDS. I was going to hit up the hair thread but it's a few days old and this is really the only thing I can talk about anyway, as I'm super ignorant when it comes make up/fashion. But I can talk about hair struggles for sure! Basically, friends, I just need to know what to do with my hair at the moment, as it currently is a Chaka Khan-esque mess and a half.

There are pictures of my hair (and also my face) under this cut. BE WARNED. )
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[25th Sep. 2012 • 17:16]

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I can't possibly be the only one with them. So I am going to copy Kati's "How do I wear it?" post and make this not all about me. So, ask and answer hair questions here! Cuts, styles, dyes, products, anything goes as long as it's hair.
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