June 23rd, 2008

[info]youngslater in [info]toujoursliberer

them's fightin' words

Subject: Ann has some words for Jimmy.
Where: Jimmy's club during a fight.
Who: Jimmy Slater
Warnings: violence, cursing, NC17fest.
Open to: Ann Wayland.

barenuckles. )

[info]rogueblake in [info]toujoursliberer

Waiting for the Inevitable

Subject: Demetri waits for his meeting
Who: Demetri Blake
Where: Pub down on the waterfront
Warnings: yelling, maybe fighting or violence
Open to: Sergius Petrov specifically, but anyone who happens by or is around is welcome

Demetri had gotten good at keeping low profiles if necessary  )

[info]easterntrader in [info]toujoursliberer

Coming Home

Subject: Rupert comes back to London after a few years away.
Who: Rupert Aveline
Where: Along the Thames
Warnings: none as of yet
Open to: anyone, old friends for reunions, new friends or enemies etc, its all good.

The day was so typically English and Rupert couldn't have been happier for it. )

[info]conmosley in [info]toujoursliberer

That Time of Day

Subject: An early evenings reprieve
Who: Constance Mosley
Where: Isabel's House
Warnings: none for now
Open to: anyone

Keeping house is never easy. )

[info]revolutionfaces in [info]toujoursliberer

Item: A note for Harry.
Warnings: None.
Open to: Harry Fisher.

Slid under his office door, an untidy note written on a scrap of paper... )

[info]loveanddespair in [info]toujoursliberer

Sabana Alvarez: A Nighttime Visitor

Subject: A worried friend.
Who: Sabana Eleadora Alvarez
Where: Sabana’s apartment.
Warnings: None
Open to: Mercedes Dupont

I promised to support you, though I might not agree with the choices. )

[info]vivianthorpe in [info]toujoursliberer

Subject: Viv's been a naughty girl.
Who: Vivian Thorpe.
Where: The Theatre, on stage.
Warnings: Violence, lots of shouting, I imagine.
Open to: Harry Fisher, Nell Abbot, anyone who'd be attending rehearsals (eventually, and staggered; they won't be coming in just yet, or all at once).

All the same, I'll play this game his way. )

October 2008



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