March 2011




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Title: Comfort sex
Rating: R
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer: Torchwood and everything in it is not mine; no money is being made, at least, not by me.

Summary: Set during Exit Wounds.  Gwen goes home to Rhys, leaving Ianto and Jack alone at the Hub.

Here at my IJ


Stolen Moment, Simple Joy // In Blues, Pinks, and Greens

Title: Stolen Moment, Simple Joy
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 200
Rating: PG-13
Summary: The subtle beauty and simple joy of just existing in a stolen moment is something they can relate too.
Warnings: slash, general spoilers
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.

The subtlety of a stolen moment, a beautiful luxury in a whirlwind of narrow escapes and impending doom, is something they both can treasure as the tide rolls in and out in its ancient cycle

Title: In Blues, Pinks, and Greens
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 426
Rating: PG
Summary: A quiet Easter morning in the Harkness-Jones household.
Warnings: slash, mpreg, general spoilers
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Watching Ianto and their daughter dye eggs by the sink is something he thinks he could do forever


Fic: Behind Bars

Title: Behind Bars
Fandom: Torchwood
Rating: PG 13
Inspired by 'Fragments'
Summary: Ianto's first day at Torchwood 3

At my IJ here


Fic: "Tirage" (1/1) Torchwood

Title: Triage
Author: Tabakat
Beta: Lopaka_Tanu
Rating: PG
Pairings: None, General
Word Count: 766
Warnings: Slightly AU depending on your views of Jack’s healing abilities. Imagery maybe disturbing to some viewers, and or those about to undergo or considering surgery. No offense is intended to the latter two audiences.
Summary: Owen Harper and John Harkness live an anesthetist's worst nightmare.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I claim no rights to it. This is not made for, and is made without profit. No money will be made off this with the creator’s knowledge or consent. No copyright infringement is intended
A/N: No insult was intended to any persons or professions in the writing of this fiction. I do not know where this came from. Because of subject matter author considers story inappropriate for younger readers. You have been warned!

Read Me


I bring ... 4 fics! 3 shorter and 1 novel-length

I realized (belatedly, and at the proding of [info]lilithilien) that I had yet to post links to my fics here. Unfortunately, the links are all to LJ as I haven't made the complete transition to IJ - it's hard when the fandom is still heavy over there! Hopefully everyone will wise-up some day :)

Title: Gwen Discovers Flat Holm
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, R, ~2600 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: TW S2 E11 - "Adrift"
Summary: History is not inevitable.
A/N: I couldn't help it. I had to do it. You can't tell me that Ianto didn't know exactly what he was doing. A Missing Scene/Tag for "Adrift."

Title: On Atlas' Shoulders
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, PG-13, ~3000 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: S2 Epi 4 "Meat", and various epis in between S1 Epi 1 and S2 Epi 4 :)
Summary: What cost victory?
A/N: Missing Scene for "Meat."

Title: Not So Different
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney, R, ? (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Xover fic, purely cracksmut foursome. SGA/TW
Summary: "Wait. You're telling me you have a pterodactyl living in your base?"
A/N: I said it's total cracksmut and it is. ;) Short little piece to distract lilithilien one day. Just because....the four of them would be so pretty ;)

And finally, my baby. Seriously. Birthing it might as well have been 6 months of heavy labor. And yes, I wept when I finally sent it off to University.

Series Title: Shades of Ianto
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, various others
Rating: PG13-NC17
Spoilers: TW Series 1
Word count: 200,000+ (no, I'm not kidding), (COMPLETE)
Warnings: Read the A/Ns for each chapter for any chapter warnings.
Summary: Ianto is more than just a tea-boy.
A/N: Link in Series title will take you to the first chapter in the Prologue, but all chapters are all linked. The series contains three parts - Prologue (Pre-TW S1 canon), Series 1 (TW S1 canon integrated into my 'verse), Series 2 (completely mine - ignores DW S3 and TW S2).

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!


Fic: The suit

Title: The Suit

Rating: PG

Spoilers for 'Fragments' (episode 2.12)

Summary: Ianto gets ready to go to his first day of work at Torchwood Cardiff.

At my IJ here


Fic: Some Sunny Day (1/1)

Written for [info]nwhepcat's It's the Writers, Stupid!!!!! Ficathon inspired by & featuring the quote:
"We're going to know each other eventually, why not now?"

Title: Some Sunny Day (1/1)
Author: [info]boji
Summary: John Hart knew who Jack Harkness was of course.
Spoilers: 2:01 - Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang.
Word Length: 2,150 approx.
Rating: R for language and increasingly dark imagery.

Notes: I'd say this is set some twenty years prior to Kiss, Kiss Bang Bang on the original time-line as it were. Otherwise known as a glimpse into Jack Harkness's past, in some far flung 51st Century future.

Girls who ask, usually get told that I met Jack with bottle of the good stuff in one hand and my kit-bag in the other.

x-posted to [info]galactic_conman & [info]roguetimeagents over on LJ.

Apologies for the belated x-post.


FIc: "File Under Expenses" (1/1) Torchwood

Title: “File Under Expenses”
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: “Torchwood”
Rating: G or General
Summary: Being A Torchwood Archivist can get Expensive
Warnings: None
Pairings: None, Jack/Ianto implied
Spoilers: General Season Two
Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership or rights to Torchwood or its characters. No money is being made off this piece, nor will it be with my knowledge or permission. This piece is made without permission of those who do hold rights to Torchwood however, no copyright infringement is intended, nor is any insult.
Read more... )

edited for glaring mistakes


Fic: Future Ways Of Dealing With Stress - Ianto/Jack - PG13 - Torchwood

Title: Future Ways Of Dealing With Stress

Author: Celebrian.
Web page: (under construction, but if you have an IJ and want to friend me, I will be posting the stories there too :))
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack – Tosh/ Owen (hinted) Gwen.
Rating: PG13
Summary: No matter how experienced you are, dealing with Alien/ Futuristic tech might have a consequence, even if you are careful when trying to categorize it before it goes to the archives.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Fluff?
Author’s notes: One shot. Finished.
And for the record, I suck at summaries, sorry about that.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about and [info]just4bri & [info]blackblaze_dd All remaining mistakes, my fault.

Future Ways Of Dealing With Stress


Fic: Stay

Title: Stay
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
[info]awdt Prompt: "Next morning the winter's first snow lay soft and clean on (character's) window sill."
Word Count: 400
Rating: 15
Summary: After an exhausting mission, Ianto asks Jack to stay.
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.

"Stay," Ianto whispers, hands slowly tracing the line of Jack's braces. "I don’t want to be alone tonight."


Fic: Razzmatazz

Title: “Razzmatazz”
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 408
Summary: Owen stops being an ass and offers Ianto some advice… wait Owen is always a bit of an ass.
Author’s Notes: Made by request of LopakaTanu. Set sometime after “A Day in the Death “
Spoilers: Up to and including “ A Day in the Death”
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I claim no copyrights to this. I make no money off this, and while this story is made with out permission or knowledge of the legal owners of the show no infringement or insult is intended.


fic: Birthday Wishes

Title: Birthday Wishes
Author: Allie Gator/Snuffles D Bear/ TamyPooh
Rating: g
Pairing: none Sorta-kinda-Jack/Ianto
Prompt: Disappointed
Summary: Jack's birthday, Ianto writes him a letter
Takes place between S1 & 2
crossposted - slightly
At either of my journals - InsaneJournal also has the table of other prompts I am working on.


FIC: Support (Torchwood, all audiences, Jack/Ianto)

Title: Support
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Jack/Ianto. It’s all Ianto, all the time, and without a lick of dialogue. (all audiences). Spoilers for ‘Meat’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights to this stuff. I just like it.
ETA: Fixed a few errors.

Support )


FIC: Possibilities, Torchwood Ianto/Jack (adult)

Title: Possibilities
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Ianto/Jack. This is light in tone and Jack's POV this time, I was aiming for more of the Jack of Dr. Who, rather than the somewhat darker one of Torchwood S1. I even tried a little banter - not something I'm great at but I don't think it will make anyone's eyes bleed. Porn. S3V0C0.
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to 'Torchwood', somebody cool in England does.

Possibilities )


Title: Between the Lines
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Slash
Spoilers: For Sleeper
Author's Notes: Beta'd by Avon_09 and Darketernal09
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for fun

Fake Cut to My IJ


FIC: After the End of All Things (Torchwood) V0S3C0 (adult)

Title: After the End of All Things
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Ianto/Jack, a 'lost' scene between Jack's resurrection after the demon attack and his disappearance due to the mysterious 'woo-woo' sound. My first Torchwood fic!

After the End of All Things )


Fic: Stay (Jack/Ianto)

Title: Stay
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: R
Warning: Slash
Spoilers: For KKBB
Author's Notes: No Beta, all mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: Not mine, just borrowing for fun

(Fake Cut to My IJ)


Broken // Fallen Cold and Dead

Title: Broken
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 524
Pairings: implied Jack/Jack, Jack/Ianto
Summary: Ianto knows too well how a heart breaks.
Prompt: "Here's looking at you, kid." (Casablanca)
Warnings: slash, spoilers for s1
Disclaimer: Not mine.

He doesn’t say anything, doesn't allow himself to think about it, just reaches out and takes Jack’s cold hand in his.

Title: Fallen Cold and Dead
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 659
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, implied Ianto/Lisa and Owen/Diane
Summary: Tosh and Ianto try to finally move on.
Prompt: "Tomorrow the birds will sing." (City Lights)
Warnings: slash, spoilers for s1
Disclaimer: Still not mine.

"Look what happened to Jack—to all of us. The Rift takes everything we care about in the end."


Fic: A Little Death (1/1)

Summary: A little sex, a little death...
A vid-message is left on the Torchwood system.
Pairing: John H/Jack H
Spoilers: 2:01 - Kiss, Kiss, Bang Bang.
Word Length: 1,500 approx
Rating: I'd say it's a hard 'R' but one flirting with NC-17.
PWP - That would be porn with plot. Dark, with a pinch of violence & a hint of kink.

This fic is utterly unsuitable for minors. Adult material lies beyond the cut. Read at your own discretion.

"...might as well leave him something to John-off to when I'm gone..."

x-posted around LJ


Fic: Power Lunch (1/1)

Title:Power Lunch
Author: Boji

Summary: Jack Harkness and the Well-Manicured Man deceive inveigle and obfuscate, over lunch at the Connaught Hotel.

Spoilers: All of Torchwood to date, with a nod to Doctor Who. And in the X-Files universe a nod to the second, third and fourth seasons but, in all cases, this is background with no real specifics, aside from characters and places named.
Word Length: 2,000 approx
Rating: PG-13
Notes: My kink seems to be X-overs and AU’s.

Before Fox Mulder discovered the X-Files, Jack Harkness was fighting the future.

Link leads over to my IJ.
x-posted from livejournal

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