
"The Way to A Tea-Girl's Heart"

Title: “The Way to a Tea-Girl’s Heart”
Rating: PG for Language
Fandom: Torchwood/Buffy (No Buffy in this particular fic, but the fic verse is crossover generally).
Warnings: Set during. Season Two of Torchwood sometime pre-Exit Wounds. Season Eight Buffy Comics will be ignored in this fic universe as they enrage both the creator of this fic verse and the author of this fic!
Summary: Second in the Torchwood Council Series. Owen shows his softer side.
Disclaimer: I own neither Torchwood, nor Buffy The Vampire Slayer. No Copyright Infringement is intended. No money is being made off this story, nor will it be made off this story with my knowledge. Made for fun only. Please don’t sue me. The idea and premise behind The Torchwood Council Universe belongs to [info]i_want_2 who graciously challenged me to play in her sandbox.

This Way To The Story


Links to a slew of my fic

We all come into fandoms at different times. It's why we read our way back through archives and scroll through different fandoms pimped on [info]crack_van.

As I have yet to archive my work on Teaspoon & as I'm not sure who still lurks back over on LJ, I thought I'd offer up links to all the Torchwood & Doctor Who fic I've written since the Doctor first met Jack. Behind the cut are links to seventeen pieces of fic - all hosted here on IJ - and fourteen or so drabbles.

Read at will. Comment if something pleases you. Poke around my IJ if the mood takes you. Nothing is locked. Fic may contain mature subject matter &/or language. Read at your discretion.

Want Jack? )