March 2011




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Fic: Insanity

Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Rating: MA or 15+ (Violence, swearing, slash, violence, allusions to torture) 
Warning: Spoilers for Torchwood S1 and Dr Who S2 finale, 
Pairings: Jack/Ianto
Characters: Jack and the Master, mentions of others
Summary: Jack and The Master discuss the fate of Torchwood Three in general, and Ianto in particular.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but RTD owns my soul.

It was slaughter, out there. Xenocide. Every alien being on the planet was being hunted down and destroyed. All but the Toclafane, who assisted with the search and the destruction. Aliens were killed on sight, their bodies transported out onto the moors and burned in pyres. From Tish’s descriptions, the pyres were huge, massive things. I had never known how much alien life existed on earth before it was all destroyed.

A/N: Hi! My name's Curlew, and this is my first posting to this journal. I've only recently joined insane!journal, but I've been writing Torchwood fanfiction and posting here, there and everywhere all over the internet and basically making a huge pest out of myself for nearly a year now. I've now finished entering most of my fics into my journal, and would love some friends. Please come by and say hi =)

Link to shiny INSANITY!FIC at my journal (which is finally (kind of) ready for visitors *hint, hint*)


drabble: All Right 1/1 Owen

Title: All Right
Author: Shannon
Summary: Owen realizes that maybe he isn't as angry about what's happening as he thought.
Pairing: Owen
Table, Prompt: 4—Life or Death
Rating: PG
Warnings: Character death (the death is canon though)
A/N: Definitely spoilers for Fragments and Exit Wounds and some for Reset and A Day In The Death
Words: 328
Beta: [info]velvetwhip

(All Right)


Fic: Some Fetishes Should Be Kept to Yourself

Title: Some Fetishes Should Be Kept to Yourself
Author: [info]andreth_47
Pairing: Ianto/Captain John Hart
Rating: hard R
Word Count: 2,400
Summary: The lift scene from "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang", with one small porny addition. *dirty cackle* Strictly speaking, not porn, but...well, just trust me,okay? It's porn. SPOILERS FOR KKBB, Torchwood S02/E01.
Disclaimer: Fair Use
Warnings: Gun!porn, lots of filthy language, spoilers for KKBB.
Betas: [info]mhorrighan, [info]randombastary, [info]omarandjohnny
Dedicated to: [info]seize on LJ, whose comment about my icon planted this fic in my brain, where it grew kinky roots and refused to leave until I'd written it.

Written for the Bring Back The Porn challenge.

Some Fetishes Should Be Kept to Yourself )


Of All The Voices In Her Head (Tosh/Mary)

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Of All The Voices In Her Head
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Toshiko/Mary
Summary: Of all the voices in her head Mary’s was the only one that spoke of Toshiko.
Beta-reader: Fedink
Word Count: 166
Rating: PG
Warnings: None.
Author’s Note: Written for the femslash100 Challenge # 159: Voice.
Disclaimer: This story is a work of fiction. Any illegal acts taking place within that fiction are NOT condoned by the author. Depictions of any questionable, illegal, or potentially illegal activity in said fiction does not mean that I condone, promote, support, participate in, or approve of said activity. I grasp the distinction between fiction and reality and trust that readers will do the same. I do not profit from the fan fiction I write, and all rights to the characters remain firmly in the hands of their creator.

(Of All The Voices In Her Head)


Chasing a Fantasy 1/1

Title: Chasing a Fantasy
Author: Shannon
Summary: He never should've left.
Pairing: Jack /Ianto(Jack/Doctor implied)
Table, Prompt: 2—Vacation
Rating: G
Warnings: Spoilers for DW up to The Last of the Time Lords, and TW End of Days
A/N: This was supposed to be for [info]rua1412's request for Jack/Doctor and Jack leaving at the end of Series 1 but it uh, sort of went in a different direction. Sorry, I'll try to do another one of your prompts.
Words: 334
Beta: [info]angelskuuipo and [info]rua1412

(Chasing a Fantasy)


Hollow (Owen/Jack)

Author: Bitterfig
Title: Hollow
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Owen/Jack
Summary: How do you live with being dead?
Beta Reader: Fedink
Word Count: 770
Rating: R
Warnings: This story is relentlessly depressing. Also contains gore, sex, and spoilers for Season 2 and…charitable necrophilia?



ficlet: Flirting 1/ 1 Jack/Ianto

Title: Flirting
Author: Shannon
Summary: Why doesn’t Jack's flirting bother Ianto
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Table, Prompt: 3—Jealousy
Rating: PG
Warnings: Kind of has spoilers for Journey's End. I wouldn’t really consider them spoilers but I don't want to ruin it for people that try to remain completely spoiler free.
Words: 662
Beta: [info]kitty_poker1



[fic] Told You

Title: Told You
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 1035
Rating: 15/light R
Summary: Ianto and Myfanwy have a plan....
Warnings: slash, adult situations, innuendo
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made. Bits of dialogue remixed from "They Keep Killing Suzie".

Lots of things you can do with a stopwatch...."


Fic: Proxly (adult, Torchwood/Dr. Who)

Title: Proxy
Author: [info]xtricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: For the [info]kink_bingo, prompt=leather. Pairing is Jack/9 (sorta), and set just after 'Last of the Time Lords'.
Disclaimer: I fancy that the imaginary people I'm writing this fiction about are above the arbitrary age of eighteen and no storybook figures were harmed in the writing of this make-believe. Dr. Who, Jack Harkness, Torchwood and etc are copyright of BBC.

Proxy )


[fic] Dog Day Afternoon

Title: Dog Day Afternoon
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: 1455
Rating: PG
Summary: "I think she wants your ice cream...."
Warnings: spoilers through Exit Wounds, mentions of bestiality
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made.

Ianto had seen and done a lot of strange things in his life since joining Torchwood and had seen and done even stranger since he had started his relationship with Captain Jack Harkness but nothing had prepared him for this.


DRABBLE: The War to end all wars / FIC: Ticking

Title: The War to end all wars
Author: [info]snakeling
Character: Jack
Rating: PG

The War to end all wars

Title: Ticking
Author: [info]snakeling
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Warning: some D/s
Summary: Ianto may have bitten off more than he could chew.



New here (although not to fanfic writing) and I bring fic.

I've just created an IJ account copied all my Torchwood fic from my LJ account on to it.

So rather than spamming this comm with all of them I thought I'd just give you a link to my journal instead.

There are about thirty fics and drabbles there ranging from G to R, all of which are tagged with pairings and ratings.  All are spoiler cut and have relavent warnings on them where neccessary. 
Most of what I write is Jack/Ianto.

So here is the fic

I will be posting further Torchwood fic that I write here and at my journal.


Fic: Due at Noon: A Shift in the Rift (1/1)

Title: Due at Noon: A Shifting Rift.
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to Torchwood 2.8 “A Day in the Death” and for Doctor Who Up to and Including the New Series “Time Crash, and “Voyage of the Damned”. Either this story takes place somewhere between VOTD and “Partners In Crime” and goes AU from there, or it is AU altogether. Either way the story is AU, the reader may pick which scenario he or she prefers.
AN: For the purpose of this story, the character of Susan, is considered to be the Doctor’s grandchild, as in compliance with original Doctor Who Cannon.
Summary: The Doctor finds out that he may be a Time Lord but he doesn’t know everything.
Word Count: 4,965
Betas: The Wonderful: [info]lomeinie for her knowledge of the Doctor Whoverses, [info]andreth_47 for being my self-proclaimed grammar nazi, and [info]kabal42 for betaing services in general and Brit-picking. Thank you all!
Disclaimer: I own neither Doctor Who (in any of its many incarnations) nor TORCHWOOD. I do not claim to. I make no money off this, nor will any money be made off of it with my knowledge or consent. I mean no offense to anyone. If those that can claim ownership to the above mentioned properties wish they need only ask and this work will be taken down. This individual story is mine alone. Created Feb.2008
Read Me


Fic: Hello- Jack/Ianto/Tosh; Jack/Tosh; Jack/Ianto

Title: Hello
Author: [info]queenmidalah
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood nor do I own Hello by Evanescence.
Pairing: Jack/Tosh, Jack/Ianto, references to Jack/Tosh/Ianto
Warning: This has spoilers for Exit Wounds.
Comments: Feedback welcomed. Oh and... if you listen to the song while reading the fic, I take no blame for tears. Though I'm not sure if it'll get that response. I feel off my stride with writing of late, but here ya go! And I am new here, bringing gifts. Hope you like!

Hello )


Fic: Soul To Soul, Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor

Title: Soul To Soul
Author: Tracy AKA [info]classifieds
Pairing: Ianto Jones/Tenth Doctor
Fandom: Torchwood/Doctor Who
Challenge: [info]writemealetter
Table: 11 from [info]50episodes
Prompt: 49, Soul Mate
Author's Note: X-posted to [info]writemealetter and [info]torchwood_r_us.

Soul To Soul )


FIC: Like it's 1999 (Torchwood, adult, gen)

Title: Like it’s 1999
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes: Gen, adult due to subject matter. Spoilers for ‘Fragments’.
Disclaimer: Not mine. BBC and RTD own the ideas. Also, I have no money.

”Like )


"The Way to A Tea-Girl's Heart"

Title: “The Way to a Tea-Girl’s Heart”
Rating: PG for Language
Fandom: Torchwood/Buffy (No Buffy in this particular fic, but the fic verse is crossover generally).
Warnings: Set during. Season Two of Torchwood sometime pre-Exit Wounds. Season Eight Buffy Comics will be ignored in this fic universe as they enrage both the creator of this fic verse and the author of this fic!
Summary: Second in the Torchwood Council Series. Owen shows his softer side.
Disclaimer: I own neither Torchwood, nor Buffy The Vampire Slayer. No Copyright Infringement is intended. No money is being made off this story, nor will it be made off this story with my knowledge. Made for fun only. Please don’t sue me. The idea and premise behind The Torchwood Council Universe belongs to [info]i_want_2 who graciously challenged me to play in her sandbox.

This Way To The Story


[fic] Tell Me a Secret About Love

Title: Tell Me a Secret About Love
Author: [info]noscrubs12345
Word Count: ~1590
Rating: R
Summary: What can there be said about love that hasn't been said before? Would I even want to say anything different? For you, I think I could.
Warnings: slash, general spoilers, canon character deaths, mentions of past Jack/Estelle, Jack/Jack and Ianto/Lisa
Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by Russell T Davies and the BBC. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended and no money is being made. All characters involved in situations are of age and the authoress is not responsible for under-age readers.
Notes: This was written for Photobucket1sentence, where the challenge is to write one sentence per prompt. Hence, this is fifty small snapshots into Jack and Ianto's life together.

'Tell me a secret, Jack. Tell me a secret about love.'


Fic: Backstabbed - Ianto/Jack - PG13 - Torchwood

Title: Backstabbed

Author: Celebrian.
Web page:
@ LJ
@ IJ
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: PG13
Summary: Jack and Ianto talk.
Spoilers: Ep: 11 S2 Missing Scene after the end.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst(ish) & Fluff?
Author’s notes: One shot. Finished.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about and [info]just4bri All remaining mistakes, my fault.



Jack and Ianto's Summer Vacation 1/1

Title: Jack and Ianto’s Summer Vacation
Author: [info]dragonwrangler
Summary: Things don’t always go as planned. Poor Jack. Poor Ianto.
Rating: PG-13
Warning: Slash implied (Jack/Ianto)
Author notes: Written for the “Torchwood Summer Vacation 07” contest at Torchwood 03 on y!gallery. Big thanks to kindar for cleaning up the grammar-- any mistakes remaining are entirely my own fault.
Disclaimer: Torchwood is the property of BBC Enterprises. This story was written for entertainment purposes only.


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