March 2011




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Fic: Proxly (adult, Torchwood/Dr. Who)

Title: Proxy
Author: [info]xtricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: For the [info]kink_bingo, prompt=leather. Pairing is Jack/9 (sorta), and set just after 'Last of the Time Lords'.
Disclaimer: I fancy that the imaginary people I'm writing this fiction about are above the arbitrary age of eighteen and no storybook figures were harmed in the writing of this make-believe. Dr. Who, Jack Harkness, Torchwood and etc are copyright of BBC.

Proxy )


FIC: Like it's 1999 (Torchwood, adult, gen)

Title: Like it’s 1999
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes: Gen, adult due to subject matter. Spoilers for ‘Fragments’.
Disclaimer: Not mine. BBC and RTD own the ideas. Also, I have no money.

”Like )


FIC: What Lies Within, Torchwood (adult)

Title: What Lies Within
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Adult.
Disclaimer: Not mine, somebody cool in England owns them all.
Oh, crossposted everywhere.

This is the whole shebang - all 13 chapters, plus the epilogue. It all links to my IJ, where I'm trying (slowly) to move.

I will be making technical corrections as I get time (in the IJ posts) so feel free to point out any errors you see - publicly or otherwise, I don't care.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Epilogue


FIC: What Lies Within 5/? (adult)

Next installment - 6 will be up later tonight.


FIC: What Lies Within 4/? (adult)

Next part - still going!


FIC: What Lies Within 3/? (adult)

Next installment - short this time (relatively speaking)


FIC: What Lies Within, Torchwood (adult) 2/?

Next Section


FIC: What Lies Within, Torchwood (adult) 1/?

Here's the first entry in a long story (and my first long story for this fandom)


FIC: Support (Torchwood, all audiences, Jack/Ianto)

Title: Support
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Jack/Ianto. It’s all Ianto, all the time, and without a lick of dialogue. (all audiences). Spoilers for ‘Meat’.
Disclaimer: I don’t own any rights to this stuff. I just like it.
ETA: Fixed a few errors.

Support )


FIC: Possibilities, Torchwood Ianto/Jack (adult)

Title: Possibilities
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Ianto/Jack. This is light in tone and Jack's POV this time, I was aiming for more of the Jack of Dr. Who, rather than the somewhat darker one of Torchwood S1. I even tried a little banter - not something I'm great at but I don't think it will make anyone's eyes bleed. Porn. S3V0C0.
Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to 'Torchwood', somebody cool in England does.

Possibilities )


FIC: After the End of All Things (Torchwood) V0S3C0 (adult)

Title: After the End of All Things
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Ianto/Jack, a 'lost' scene between Jack's resurrection after the demon attack and his disappearance due to the mysterious 'woo-woo' sound. My first Torchwood fic!

After the End of All Things )