March 2011




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Title: Whine and Dine
Author: Tabakat
Beta: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1,780
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairings: None
Summary: Tosh gets Owen Harper drunk with the best of intentions in mind.
Notes: This was made with [info]kabal_42 prompt in mind she wanted to know more of Owen’s past or a missing scene from Season Two before Reset.
Set before Reset
Spoilers: All of Torchwood Season1-2
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. This is a fan-work only. It is made for fun not profit. No money was made off this story nor will it be with the author’s knowledge or permission. No copyright infringement is intended. No offense is meant.

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Fic: For the Record (1/1) Torchwood

Title: For the Record
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, Jack/Gwen, Ianto/Owen??
Rating: G
Word Count: 427
beta: [info]andreth_47
Warnings: Slash implied, Pre-slash?? Infidelity implied. AU Season 2 Fragments and Exit Wounds haven’t happened.
Summary: Jack has broken up with Ianto and moved on with Gwen. Torchwood protocol requires that Dr. Owen Harper write up a psych profile on all those involved. The following is Ianto’s personal thoughts on the matter.

Read the fic


Fic: Due at Noon: A Shift in the Rift (1/1)

Title: Due at Noon: A Shifting Rift.
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Torchwood, Doctor Who.
Rating: PG
Spoilers: Up to Torchwood 2.8 “A Day in the Death” and for Doctor Who Up to and Including the New Series “Time Crash, and “Voyage of the Damned”. Either this story takes place somewhere between VOTD and “Partners In Crime” and goes AU from there, or it is AU altogether. Either way the story is AU, the reader may pick which scenario he or she prefers.
AN: For the purpose of this story, the character of Susan, is considered to be the Doctor’s grandchild, as in compliance with original Doctor Who Cannon.
Summary: The Doctor finds out that he may be a Time Lord but he doesn’t know everything.
Word Count: 4,965
Betas: The Wonderful: [info]lomeinie for her knowledge of the Doctor Whoverses, [info]andreth_47 for being my self-proclaimed grammar nazi, and [info]kabal42 for betaing services in general and Brit-picking. Thank you all!
Disclaimer: I own neither Doctor Who (in any of its many incarnations) nor TORCHWOOD. I do not claim to. I make no money off this, nor will any money be made off of it with my knowledge or consent. I mean no offense to anyone. If those that can claim ownership to the above mentioned properties wish they need only ask and this work will be taken down. This individual story is mine alone. Created Feb.2008
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"The Way to A Tea-Girl's Heart"

Title: “The Way to a Tea-Girl’s Heart”
Rating: PG for Language
Fandom: Torchwood/Buffy (No Buffy in this particular fic, but the fic verse is crossover generally).
Warnings: Set during. Season Two of Torchwood sometime pre-Exit Wounds. Season Eight Buffy Comics will be ignored in this fic universe as they enrage both the creator of this fic verse and the author of this fic!
Summary: Second in the Torchwood Council Series. Owen shows his softer side.
Disclaimer: I own neither Torchwood, nor Buffy The Vampire Slayer. No Copyright Infringement is intended. No money is being made off this story, nor will it be made off this story with my knowledge. Made for fun only. Please don’t sue me. The idea and premise behind The Torchwood Council Universe belongs to [info]i_want_2 who graciously challenged me to play in her sandbox.

This Way To The Story


Fic: "Tirage" (1/1) Torchwood

Title: Triage
Author: Tabakat
Beta: Lopaka_Tanu
Rating: PG
Pairings: None, General
Word Count: 766
Warnings: Slightly AU depending on your views of Jack’s healing abilities. Imagery maybe disturbing to some viewers, and or those about to undergo or considering surgery. No offense is intended to the latter two audiences.
Summary: Owen Harper and John Harkness live an anesthetist's worst nightmare.
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I claim no rights to it. This is not made for, and is made without profit. No money will be made off this with the creator’s knowledge or consent. No copyright infringement is intended
A/N: No insult was intended to any persons or professions in the writing of this fiction. I do not know where this came from. Because of subject matter author considers story inappropriate for younger readers. You have been warned!

Read Me


FIc: "File Under Expenses" (1/1) Torchwood

Title: “File Under Expenses”
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: “Torchwood”
Rating: G or General
Summary: Being A Torchwood Archivist can get Expensive
Warnings: None
Pairings: None, Jack/Ianto implied
Spoilers: General Season Two
Disclaimer: I do not claim any ownership or rights to Torchwood or its characters. No money is being made off this piece, nor will it be with my knowledge or permission. This piece is made without permission of those who do hold rights to Torchwood however, no copyright infringement is intended, nor is any insult.
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edited for glaring mistakes


Fic: Razzmatazz

Title: “Razzmatazz”
Author: Tabakat
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: None
Rating: PG
Word Count: 408
Summary: Owen stops being an ass and offers Ianto some advice… wait Owen is always a bit of an ass.
Author’s Notes: Made by request of LopakaTanu. Set sometime after “A Day in the Death “
Spoilers: Up to and including “ A Day in the Death”
Disclaimer: I do not own Torchwood. I claim no copyrights to this. I make no money off this, and while this story is made with out permission or knowledge of the legal owners of the show no infringement or insult is intended.