March 2011




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Fic: Take Back the Night

Title: Take Back the Night
Author: Kei
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17, kink
Summary: Ianto has a unique way of dealing with any unresolved issues post-Cyberwoman. Set late season one.
Notes: I think I overuse hyphen-words.

'Tell me,' Jack says... )


FIC: Tangled Web

Title: Tangled Web
Author: [info]snakeling
Pairings: Jack/Ianto, Lisa/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Warning: spanking
Summary: Ianto would do anything to save Lisa, and sometimes, he even enjoys it.

Tangled Web


Ficlet: Rimming

Title: Rimming
Length: doubledrabble
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: *points to title*
Summary: Jack and Ianto think about rimming

Click for fic )


Fic: Sacrifice.

Title: Sacrifice.
Fandom: Torchwood
Pairing: Ianto/alien, implied Jack/Ianto relationship.
Rating: nc-17
Warnings: Coerced sex, incredible dubious consent/non-con. Sexual activities with a non-humanoid alien. Tentacle sex. Spoilers for up to Something Borrowed.
Word count: 4000
Summary: The Hub has gone into lockdown and Ianto might not be as alone in the dark as he first thought.
Author note: This was written for a prompt over at </a></font></b></a>[info]rounds_of_kink It is dark, it is disturbing, and you have been warned. Posted on Livejournal under my LJ name of the-silver-sun

Read more... )


Fic: Proxly (adult, Torchwood/Dr. Who)

Title: Proxy
Author: [info]xtricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: For the [info]kink_bingo, prompt=leather. Pairing is Jack/9 (sorta), and set just after 'Last of the Time Lords'.
Disclaimer: I fancy that the imaginary people I'm writing this fiction about are above the arbitrary age of eighteen and no storybook figures were harmed in the writing of this make-believe. Dr. Who, Jack Harkness, Torchwood and etc are copyright of BBC.

Proxy )


DRABBLE: The War to end all wars / FIC: Ticking

Title: The War to end all wars
Author: [info]snakeling
Character: Jack
Rating: PG

The War to end all wars

Title: Ticking
Author: [info]snakeling
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Rating: NC-17
Warning: some D/s
Summary: Ianto may have bitten off more than he could chew.



FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (6/6)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
Length: 21,420 words total (6 chapters)
Notes: Thanks to everyone who's been keeping up with this as I've posted. I'm glad you had as much fun with these boys as I did! If you need to catch up, here's Part One (with full story notes).

Part Six: The Postscript


FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (5/6)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
Part One (with full story notes) | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four

Part Five: The Pursuit


FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (4/6)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
For full story notes see Part One.
Part Two | Part Three

Part Four: The Discovery


FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (3/6)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)
Author: [info]lilithilien
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
For full story notes see Part One.

Part Three: The Arrival


FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (2/6)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)
Author: [info]lilithilien
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try? (A Harry Potter/Torchwood crossover.)
Rated: NC-17
For full story notes see Part One.

Part Two: The Pursuit


FIC: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (1/5)

Title: The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready) [Part 1/5]
Author: [info]lilithilien
Fandom: Harry Potter/Torchwood crossover
Pairings Jack/Draco, Jack/Ianto, Harry/Draco
Summary: They say you can't go home again. But what happens when you try?
Rated: NC-17
Disclaimer: All rights to these characters belong to J.K. Rowling and Russell T. Davies and their crack legal teams. I own nothing.
Notes: I know that class reunions aren't done in the U.K, but please suspend your disbelief—this is a story of wizards and alien-hunters, after all. As for the timeline, ten years after Hogwarts sets the HP side of the story in 2008, while the TW side comes in the first series (after "Countrycide" but before Jack and Ianto's second series' relationship). Finally, many thanks—to William Shakespeare for song lyrics, to [info]dysonrules, whose TW/HP crossover put this idea in my head, and to [info]sarcastic_jo, my beloved beta and Jack-picker, who wouldn't let it leave until I wrote it down.

This story is finished and chapters will be posted every other day.

The Hogwarts Reunion Is When Everything Changes (And Torchwood Is Ready)


Fic: Comfort - Ianto/Jack - NC17 - Torchwood - Part: 3/?

Title: Comfort
Part: 2 & 3/?

Author: Celebrian.
Web page: @ LJ
@ IJ
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: R
Summary: What happens after sleeping with the boss.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst – Spoilers for Small Worlds, Countrycide if you didn´t see it and eventually probably S1 in general-
Author’s notes: WIP. And for the record, I suck at summaries, sorry about that.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about and [info]just4bri Any remaining mistakes, all my fault.

Part 2
Comfort Part 3

Previous parts:

Part 1


Fic: Comfort - Ianto/Jack - NC17 - Torchwood - Part: 1/?

Title: Comfort.
Part: 1/?

Author: Celebrian.
Web page: &
Pairing: Ianto/ Jack
Rating: NC17
Summary: What we didn’t get to see after Jack rested his hand on Ianto´s shoulder during Small Worlds.
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Warnings: Angst – Spoilers for Small Worlds if you didn´t see it-
Author’s notes: Sort of WIP but each story stands alone.
Feedback: Is addictive and encouraging ;-)
Thanks to Beta [info]xibalba who is a saint and reads stories about a fandom she’s only heard me rambling about



I bring ... 4 fics! 3 shorter and 1 novel-length

I realized (belatedly, and at the proding of [info]lilithilien) that I had yet to post links to my fics here. Unfortunately, the links are all to LJ as I haven't made the complete transition to IJ - it's hard when the fandom is still heavy over there! Hopefully everyone will wise-up some day :)

Title: Gwen Discovers Flat Holm
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, R, ~2600 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: TW S2 E11 - "Adrift"
Summary: History is not inevitable.
A/N: I couldn't help it. I had to do it. You can't tell me that Ianto didn't know exactly what he was doing. A Missing Scene/Tag for "Adrift."

Title: On Atlas' Shoulders
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto, PG-13, ~3000 (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: S2 Epi 4 "Meat", and various epis in between S1 Epi 1 and S2 Epi 4 :)
Summary: What cost victory?
A/N: Missing Scene for "Meat."

Title: Not So Different
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
P, R, WC: Jack/Ianto/John/Rodney, R, ? (COMPLETE)
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Xover fic, purely cracksmut foursome. SGA/TW
Summary: "Wait. You're telling me you have a pterodactyl living in your base?"
A/N: I said it's total cracksmut and it is. ;) Short little piece to distract lilithilien one day. Just because....the four of them would be so pretty ;)

And finally, my baby. Seriously. Birthing it might as well have been 6 months of heavy labor. And yes, I wept when I finally sent it off to University.

Series Title: Shades of Ianto
Author: [info]sarcastic_jo (aka LJ sarcasticchick)
Pairing: Jack/Ianto, various others
Rating: PG13-NC17
Spoilers: TW Series 1
Word count: 200,000+ (no, I'm not kidding), (COMPLETE)
Warnings: Read the A/Ns for each chapter for any chapter warnings.
Summary: Ianto is more than just a tea-boy.
A/N: Link in Series title will take you to the first chapter in the Prologue, but all chapters are all linked. The series contains three parts - Prologue (Pre-TW S1 canon), Series 1 (TW S1 canon integrated into my 'verse), Series 2 (completely mine - ignores DW S3 and TW S2).

Enjoy, and thanks for reading!


FIC: What Lies Within, Torchwood (adult)

Title: What Lies Within
Author: X-Tricks
Fandom: Torchwood
Notes and etc: Adult.
Disclaimer: Not mine, somebody cool in England owns them all.
Oh, crossposted everywhere.

This is the whole shebang - all 13 chapters, plus the epilogue. It all links to my IJ, where I'm trying (slowly) to move.

I will be making technical corrections as I get time (in the IJ posts) so feel free to point out any errors you see - publicly or otherwise, I don't care.

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, Epilogue


FIC: What Lies Within 5/? (adult)

Next installment - 6 will be up later tonight.


FIC: What Lies Within 4/? (adult)

Next part - still going!


FIC: What Lies Within 3/? (adult)

Next installment - short this time (relatively speaking)


FIC: What Lies Within, Torchwood (adult) 2/?

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