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Back July 31st, 2014 Forward

All righty, Kenz, enough with the massive evasion. Let's get social.

Besides regularly surrounding ourselves with our military-esque friends and hoping that the thingy that brought us all here doesn't choke up Voldemort next (sidenote: actually, in spite of all the impending bs that would follow, that would kind of be a bitchin' turn of events), what has everyone here been up to? Because all I've got is finding out that I, too, am fictional(??????) and watching Hale die again was not on my to-do list ever I'm in dire need of some serious alcohol poisoning and I was thinking that maybe one or two of you lovely guys and gals might be interested in joining me.

Me being Kenzi. Hi.

The Eleventh Doctor thinks bow ties are cool. [userpic]
Filtered to Whoverse locals.

Bit of news. Went down, had a chat with UNIT. No one will be taking any preemptive actions against anyone, so that ought to be put a few minds at ease.

Sam Winchester [userpic]

Granted I've only been here for a day, but I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do here. I need a hunt
Something to keep my mind off of
Or to give me a demon and
I don't think I can just pick up where I left off back home, here.

I'm assuming there are no hunts to be had, here, considering it's...a different universe? That's still so weird to say.

Finnick Odair hasn't dealt in money for years [userpic]

Seriously, I can't be the only one who loves it here.

I get it, some of you have things to go back to, people to go back for.

But  everything I could possibly want is here and I have the freedom for once to just enjoy life.

gladiolus amicitia [userpic]

attached image
Well, there goes my plan to take a selfie with Mona.

Back July 31st, 2014 Forward