June 2012

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March 3rd, 2012

[info]egyptianlawyer in [info]themoderngods

Who: Thoth and Hermes
Where: Samuel's apartment
When: Friday Night
Why: Sometimes even the God of Knowledge has to outsource.

Questions, rituals, and souls, oh my. )

[info]iamtaliesin in [info]themoderngods

Who: Jimmy and Brenna. (Taliesin and Badb)
What: Awakening the lovely goddess from her drug-induced stupor.
Where: Park.
When: Saturday afternoon.

The calm, the beach and the remains of the bathing suits and Porsches all in flames )

[info]frigginserious in [info]themoderngods

Loki you have ONE new message. )

[info]hnossa in [info]themoderngods

Emmylee, you have ONE new text message )

[info]shewhoscribes in [info]themoderngods

Who: Imogen (Seshet) and Lucia (Ma'at)
Where: Starlight Diner.
When: Sunday lunchtime.
What: Another Egyptian run-in. Which Imogen is happily unaware of.

[info]golden_lyre in [info]themoderngods

Who: Apollo and OPEN
Where: Park.
When: Saturday lunchtime.
What: Apollo is being his usual pushy self and taking his lunch break.

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Who: Lydia, Archer, and open to Oliver [Raven]
What: Lydia goes out to do karaoke at her favorite dive bar and karaoke joint with Oliver and meets a strange man.
Where: A random Manhattan sports bar that is doing karaoke
When: Saturday late evening

Don't you want me baaaaby?! )

[info]yelth in [info]themoderngods

Who: Frigga and Raven
What: Frigga has had a few changes of late and Raven would be remiss if he didn't spot by for a visit.
Where: Maternity clothing store.
When: Sunday afternoon

You're positively glowing )

[info]all_greektome in [info]themoderngods

Who: Lydia and Neptune [Reed]
What: Lydia man's the front register again while her mom works the showroom to prepare for some items being returned to their rightful owners, namely Neptune.
Where: Apostolos' Antiques
When: Sunday afternoon

Ooh, you look like you're ready for a business meeting! )
