June 2012

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March 1st, 2012

[info]sonofgeb in [info]themoderngods

Text to Emmy )

[info]war_maker in [info]themoderngods

Who: Brenna, Ian, and Lori with possible guest appearance by Badb and Nyx
Where: Ward penthouse
When: Early Weds Evening

Some ideas were good ideas. This was unlikely to be one of those. )

[info]sonofgeb in [info]themoderngods

Text to Dani )

[info]_rube_ in [info]themoderngods

WHO: Lucia & Reed (and probably Ma'at & Neptune as well)
WHEN: Wednesday, February 29 | evening
WHERE: his apartment (this is before he moves in with Lori)
RATING: not sure yet, will update!

Reed was totally out of sorts. He'd spent the rest of Tuesday at his apartment, mostly in bed, trying to sort through the insanity in his mind. Though there were times when Neptune insisted on taking over. Honestly, as much as Reed hated not being in control, he was too tired and scared to fight it. Neptune would step up to the plate and do as he pleased, which mostly consisted of eating, playing with modern technology, and playing with himself. That part really disturbed Reed. It was like getting a hand job from another dude. So not right.

Neptune wanted to leave, but Reed kept begging him to stay inside. The mortal simply didn't want to go anywhere until he got a better handle on this. Besides, Lucia was coming over tonight for dinner. Reed hoped she'd help him understand what was going on. She had a lot more answers than he did right now. Actually, Neptune and Reed both wanted to learn more from her. But the part that worried Reed was that knowledge wasn't the only thing Neptune wanted from Lucia. The thoughts that went through the men's shared mind disturbed Reed. He hoped that the anger he expressed internally made it abundantly clear that Neptune better not harm Lucia. If he did, Reed would get a fucking lobotomy to keep everyone safe. He didn't trust the god. Self-sacrifice might be the only way to protect the people Reed cared about.

Lucia messaged later in the day telling Reed not to worry about cooking, which was a good thing. He'd much rather drink and sleep, and he'd done a good deal of both. By the time Lucia arrived at his apartment, he was looking a bit rough. Great way to impress a woman. He opened the door and failed to muster a smile for her. "Hey."

[info]brokencladdagh in [info]themoderngods

Who: Reed (Neptune), Dani, and Grey
Where: his lab in the engineering department
What: Grey gets to blow things up, and Dani meets two sides of her new friend
When: Thursday afternoon

Time-sharing his body was a pain, but it was worked for the moment. )

[info]egyptsqueen in [info]themoderngods

Who: Lucia and Melinda,[Ma'at and Isis]
When: March 2nd, Friday afternoon
Where: At the Hospital
What: Lucia comes to the hospital to pick up her grandmother's latest lab results and runs into Melinda.

She had to remember sometimes bad things happened to good people. But that was no reason to lose faith. )

[info]_rube_ in [info]themoderngods

Who: Reed (Neptune) and Ian
When: Thursday, March 1, 2012 | evening
Where: Reed’s office at the university
What: talking about weapons and stuff

'I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.' )

[info]likeanyother in [info]themoderngods

Who: J-S (Hnossa) and Oliver
What: Star Wars date. Because they're cool like that.
Where: Oliver's apartment.
When: Thursday evening.

[info]wire_wings in [info]themoderngods

Emails to Kurt McKenzie@ La Chat Noir

To: McKenzie, Kurt
From: Shepherd, Sylvia
Subject: Public Relations Coordinator for Wes Cummings

Mr. McKenzie,

Please give me a call at your earliest convenience. Mr. Cummings has extended my contract with him for one condition; that I offer my services in Talent Management to you and your establishment. I understand this may be a bit sudden, but to put a less-than-fine point on it, that's how Wesley works. I'd love to meet with you to discuss details. Whether you chose to accept or decline, Mr. Cummings has asked me to take the liberty to book Miss Erika Badu for a live performance at your venue next Saturday night.

Looking forward to speaking with you,
S. Shepherd.

Text to Kurt )
