October 2015



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Posts Tagged: '%21log'

Oct. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Alisha Brooks [KNOCKOUT] & Eve Arthur [KLEIO]
WHAT: Knockout and Kleio work on their "secret project."
WHEN: Backdated to October 1st, 2015
WHERE: Apartment 4G, the Lock.

‘If we looked up anything in the DMS database, it would probably trigger something in the system. Then, we’d be stuck in lockdown while Agents Ginger and Blondie did a good cop, bad cop routine with the egg rolls we just ordered.’ )

Sep. 29th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Cynthia and Olivia Caine.
Where: 652 W Melrose Street, Chicago.
When: 23rd September.
What: Some difficult choices have to be discussed, and decisions are reaffirmed. If you thought being guarded by Alfa was bad, try living with her.
Warnings: Potential trigger for issues with conception of children.

Is it too late to admit I'm having second thoughts? )

Sep. 26th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Curtis [ROMEO], Olivia [HOTEL] & Theo [ECHO]
WHEN: September 25th, 4PM
WHERE: agent offices
WHAT: plot log~

Sep. 25th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Chas Tesarik, Alice Liu.
WHAT: The Great Library Slowdown of 2015 - Chas and Alice are both working, and neither of them have anything better to do than talk to each other.
WHEN: Thursday, 24 September, 2015.
WHERE: Library.
STATUS: Complete.

Or I guess maybe we'd get fed up and start another riot, and then you'd have something to do. )

Sep. 5th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Hestia & Ares.
Where: The Long Road Home (aka local dive bar).
When: Saturday, September 5th sometime in the evening.
What: Unsatisfied with Zeus' decision, Ares taps Hestia for a super secret plan.
Warnings: N/A

About APEX, of course. )

Sep. 4th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Ji Won Lee [Shadow] and Erin Choi [Lima]
Where: A sublevel
When: Backdated to August 21st, Friday, right after Choi's fight with Caine.
What: Ji Won patches Erin up and they discuss Paul.
Warnings: Metas and humans getting along, oh god.
Status: Complete

Do you keep on trying to figure out just how responsible you were for it? )

Sep. 3rd, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Santiago Hernández (449) and Georgia Bell (028)
Where: Agent break room, Facility 003
When: Backdated to the week after the riot
What: Coffee time!
Warnings: n/a

He should have known better, really.  )

Sep. 2nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Claire Edwards (Hush) and Percy Rathborne (Agent Golf)
Where: The Atrium and then Medical Services
When: September 2, mid-afternoon
What: Someone gets sick.
Warnings: Very mild language.

Prob'ly caught it from one'a the metas on my squad, some sort'a super bug. Evolved from their freaky meta-genes or somethin'. )

Sep. 1st, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Andy Moran [KELVIN] and Alice Liu [KRAKATOA]
Where: Andy (and Ollie's) Apartment
When: August 31st, Afternoonish
What: Youtube Content; bingo spot filled. Also discussion of potential science experiments.
Warnings: They're kind of adorable.

What does One Direction have to do with Honda? Why are they advertising a tour; didn’t they just break up? What kind of name is One Direction anyway and which direction is it? Is it up? Do you think it’s up? I think it’s up. )

Aug. 30th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Cody Sykes [BAROMETER] and Alice Liu [KRAKATOA].
Where: Cody’s Classroom.
When: Sunday, August 20
What: Volcano making (of the paper variety).
Warnings: None

He was absolutely positive that all the kids, no matter how too cool for school they were, would love a volcano in the room. )



[No Subject]

Who: Cody Sykes [BAROMETER] and Danica Chae [SQUID].
Where: Cody’s Apartment -> The Atrium
When: August 5.
What: Shark shows up at Cody’s door.
Warnings: None.

But please tell me you don’t actually let my menace of a little brother get away with not doing his homework properly. )

Aug. 22nd, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Jewel Calderón (Doppler) and Mindee Harley (Crayola)
Where: The commissary
When: Mid-day, Saturday August 22
What: Mindee is a brat who is bad at shoplifting.
Warnings: None

Why was everyone in the Lock so freaking nosy? A girl couldn’t even swipe a candy bar in peace. )



[No Subject]

Who: Cynthia Caine [Alfa] and Erin Choi [Lima]. Featuring Patrick Barton [Foxtrot].
Where: The Ring [Sublevel 1]
When: Friday, August 21st. Late Afternoon / After Red Patrol
What: Grey and Blue teams share training on Fridays. Given Caine's and Choi's history and recent events, this is a very bad thing.
Warnings: Swearing and Violence
Status: Complete

I don’t know why we don’t just shove you in one of those cells with them. )

Aug. 20th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Dylan Cooper [Jell-O] and Rosemary Hayes [Moonshine]
Where: Lol. Dylan's kitchen. Sorry, roomies. It's a mess.
When: August 20
What: Jelly disasterrrrr~
Warnings: Lol. I doubt it.

I have never seen this much jello )

Aug. 17th, 2015



[No Subject]

WHO: Talia Wangyal [HALT] & Petros Argyropoulos [AZREAL] aka Targo.
WHEN: Saturday night, just before the alarm went off.
WHERE: Argo's apartment.
WHAT: Green Team leaders talk APEX, drink beer, eat tzatziki and have their night ruined.

Well, there were gonna be metahuman drugs someday, sooner or later. )

Aug. 16th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Agent Theresa Bouchard [Athena] and Eve Arthur [Kleio].
Where: Agent Athena's swank office.
When: Sometime last week before the investigation concluded.
What: X-Ray's badge reveals some interesting details.

That woman isn’t a typical rogue metahuman, is she? )

Aug. 15th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: TJ Jung & Noah Vausse
Where: Lincoln Park Adoption Center
When: August 15th, afternoon
What: Kittens for the birthday boy
Warnings: N/A )

Aug. 14th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Cecile Deveaux and Alek McGuinness
What: Two deltas ride a ferris wheel. It's just as interesting as it sounds.
When: It's one of those timey-wimey things where it's taking place today but ALSO refers to things that happened a month ago because we're the slowest. Just run with it.
Where: Outside!
Status: Complete!

“Was your super evil overlord name your idea?” )

Aug. 11th, 2015



[No Subject]

Who: Agent Allen Fairchild [Ares] and Camryn Garrett [Penny]
Where: Same little interrogation room as all the others
When: August 11th, Afternoon
What: Asking about Stonewall. What isn’t said is more important that what actually is.
Warnings: Bit of sads.

She was South Side. They didn’t fucking rat.  )



[No Subject]

Who: Ji Won Lee [Shadow] & Lily Green [Shield]
When: 10 August
Where: Ji Won's suite
What: Hypothetical zombie apocalypse talks
Warnings: Noooone

I vote we don’t bring beans with us if we’re going to be in close quarters. )