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Apr. 17th, 2012


Who Caim & Abel and Caim & London
Type AIM Chats
What 2 chats going on at the same time.
Warnings not too much
Status Complete

my Abel? )

I'm not sure who is cuter )

Apr. 4th, 2012


Who Caim and Abel
What Poofing over for Ride the Pony time after their chat
Warning Yes that means smex.
When Right before they head off to Disney World
Status Still playing

How the hell did I get so lucky, hm? )


Who Abel and Caim
Type Aim Chat
What Disney talk and stuff
Warnings smdh idk. language, fluff, silly adult smex talk, too much cuteness for a vamp and a demon. it's so wrong. really.
Status complete

You're so cute sometimes, you know that? )

Apr. 2nd, 2012


Who Caim & Abel
Type Aim Chat
When Tonight
Warnings Smex speak & language & fluff
Status Complete

what would I do without you now? who else would hunt down eyeore with me on a whim? )

Mar. 31st, 2012


Text 1 to Mammon )

Text 2 to Mammon )

Text to Minzy )

Mar. 30th, 2012


Who: Adrian, Taj, Kareem, Andy
Where: An abandoned place
When: After this, this, this and anything else that happened before Taj and K got there
What: A rescue mission
Warnings: Mentions of sex, abuse, ungoodness, the usual angsty fun

sucker love I always find someone to bruise and leave behind. In the shape of things to come, too much poison come undone )

Mar. 21st, 2012


Private to Fleece )


I've had some things happen lately that made me realize how much of a God I am

Who Caim and London
What Changing this relationship up a bit - Bringing London more to the perks of the dark side - & Caim pretending he knows nothing of the blackouts. :P
When March 21
Warnings Language
Status Complete

keeping you away from it all was the wrong way to go )

Mar. 18th, 2012


Drowning might be a nice way to die. Yeah. Just a thought.

Private to Self )

Private to Abel )
Ode to Self~

There's a look on your face I would like to knock out
See the sin in your grin and the shape of your mouth
All I want is to see you in terrible pain
Though we won't ever meet I'll remember your name

Can't believe you were once just like anyone else
Then you grew and became like the devil himself
Pray to God I can think of a kind thing to say
But I don't think I can
So fuck you anyway

You are scum
You are scum
And I hope that you know
That the cracks in your smile are beginning to show
Now the world needs to see that it's time you should go
There's no light in your eyes and your brain is too slow )

Mar. 16th, 2012


Private to Asmo and Amon - but viewable for Star to read - Private within a private )


Who Caim and Star
When The night after Caim threatened Star and Asmo after the whole unicorn incident and Caim went running to Abel
Where About a block down the road from Abel's place, on a bench
What Star and Caim start to understand one another better when it comes to Evron
Warnings Language TBD

This was what Caim was so known for, why he was such a lunatic, a maniac really, because that same passion pushed him into taking so many dangerous risks and he heeded little warnings and gambled all when he believed in something and Caim just placed all his bets on Star )

Mar. 14th, 2012


Who: Mammon and Caim
Warnings: None
Status: Finished

What are you leaving out of this story Caim? )


Who: Kareem, Andy, ?
When: After this and this
Where: K's place
What: "if Kareem went to work tonight and anything happened to him.." AKA Andy is panicking
Warnings: Mentions of abuse, rape, etc

There was sky, the sun was low, I could feel the dark below )



Private to Mammon )


Who Caim & Abel
What So much Smex - After all this time being partners, they finally do it. Who knew all it took was a unicorn boy to push Adrian's stress buttons enough to have him practically beg for it from "someone not naive"
Where Abel's Awesome Bathroom
When After this chat
Warnings Blood, jaw cracking rough smex, language, vampire feeding, demonic shifting
Status Still adding eventually, In progresso

I thought you might like something to go with that fruu fruu fluff music you've got going on tonight )

Mar. 13th, 2012


Who Caim and Andy
Where The Toy Store in the Mall
When BEFORE all the Asmo stuff went down on March 13
What Jedi Battle
Warnings TBD
Status Not Complete

He held with him a glowing Darth Maul Light Saber at the ready and in his other hand held a glowing replica of Obi-Wan's Saber )


Who Caim & Abel
When After Andy and Caim spoke on AIM and twisted Caim's mind into goo making him feel like putting himself in a blender for stupidy of the mind
What AIM Chat
Warnings Language
Status Complete

What could they do to me, Caim? Honestly. I'm a corpse )

Mar. 12th, 2012


Do or do not. There is no try.

Who Adrian and Andy
Type AIM Chat Log
When March 12
What Adrian just wanted to go to the toy store and Andy got all analytic on defining their relationship. Adrian accidently makes Andy want to quit work at Devil's Luck, then swipes him in as his own employee. Ends with plans to Jedi battle in the middle of the mall with toy light sabers. Escalators are not base.
Warnings Smex talk, Language,
Status Complete

good. now that that's settled I call dibs on the Darth Maul double sided saber )



You know who you are.

Mar. 11th, 2012


Who: Andy and Taj
When: March 11th
Type: AIM chat
What: Andy opens up about Adrian, talk of Casper, and chatting about the reunion
Warnings: language
Status: Complete

you have a heart of gold ---------- I wouldn't go that far. or maybe I would. gold's heavy, it weighs you down )

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