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Jun. 8th, 2009


Another One Down

Who: Ryan and Helena
When: late morning
Where: near the campfire

Call A Doctor! )

Jun. 7th, 2009


Waking Up Sick

Who: Helena and Delilah
When: mid-morning
Where: camp
Rating: G

Delilah? Didn't feel so hot. In fact, she felt more or less like stepped-on crap. She couldn't even really remember who she'd lain with that night, only that she didn't feel like she could get warm at all. And so far the morning hadn't been any different. She had her pillow, yes, but that wasn't the same as a blanket. Gods, why hadn't she kept her apartment colder and just piled blankets up on top of herself? What she wouldn't give for a down comforter. And even though the sun was up, she didn't seem to be absorbing any of it. Someone had made a fire in the middle of camp for breakfast, and even though it had gotten low, the Ukranian shuffled her way over to it, shoulders hunched. She sat down in front of it and pulled her legs up to her chest, tugging her t-shirt down over them like a kid, so she was just a little ball.

She was so disoriented, with the move. Her feet hurt, her sunburn ached, she felt cold and sweaty at the same time. Delilah wondered dully if she was getting some alien disease. Maybe she wouldn't last long here. She propped her chin on one knee and tried not to look too pitiful. Maybe once she warmed up, she'd go find something useful to do. Just a few more minutes ... Are you feeling all right? )

Jun. 4th, 2009



Who: Cross and Helena
When: late night
Where: camp, then just past the north rise

Read more... )

Jun. 3rd, 2009


At Sunset

Who: Jasper, the npc babies, Kenneth, and then open to everyone!
Where: The lake
What: Badness
Rating: Oh, let's say somewhere between PG and R for profanity

Jasper had made a severe error. One she hadn't made in, oh, years and she was definitely regretting it now because this could very possibly cost three people their lives - her's included. But she wasn't used to being weighed down by two children and a bunch of things left at the prime camp; she was used to running for herself, with the things she was used to running with. But right now she was going much slower than she'd thought she'd been, there was a large tract of land that didn't have any trees, just open field, and on the other end of said tract of land was the lake. It was also sunset. Jasper could hear the laughers in the distance, but she knew how fast those could run and if she made it to the lake it would be by the skin of her teeth, and there were still the shallows that the laughers would undoubtedly be able to get through before it became too deep for them.

Laughers Are Not Friendly )

May. 31st, 2009


Gift Exchanges And Girl Talk

Who: Rowan and Helena
What: Friend-time!
When: Early morning
Where: The Beach

Presents! Boys! )

May. 28th, 2009


Debriefing and reunions

Who: Helena and Kenneth
What: Finding a private moment to discuss the happenings of the last week and the plans for the next.
Where: Walking to the spring
When: After sunset, near full-dark
Rating: G I'm sure.

Of councils and dictators )

May. 29th, 2009



Who: Helena and Cross
Where: On the island
When: Just about dark
What: Is that the tribe we hear in the distance?
Rating: PG

a good defense is still a good offense )


Getting Aquainted

Who: Helena and Milo
Where: At The Island Camp
What: Helena tries to get Milo to help out a little.
When: Early Evening
Rating: TBD

Helena sighed as she tossed another bundle of sticks into the firepit and brushed the debrise from her hands. The wind was picking up and the fire was burning hot in it's wide stone-line hole. They were chewing through all of the deadfall on their half of the island and she thought to herself - not for the first time - that they would have to forge out from their little water circled refuge to find harder woods to burn and build with.

Despite the high fire, the temperature was dipping once more. She wasn't sure if she was imagining it, but Helena thought it was a couple of degrees cooler here on the island than it was in the forest. She supposed the insulating trees had kept the worst of the wind off of them. Here, though, it could howl at night and it wasn't rare to find that some of the thatching bundles had been torn off of the roof of her lean-to in the mornings. It was another project on her very, very long list. To find a way to secure the thatching better. She ducked her head inside the small shelter and retrieved Annie's orange fleece hoodie, tugging it on. One of these days she would have to admit that Annie was never coming back for the garment and that it was hers now. One of these days.

Movement in the shadows at the far corner of the lean-to caught her eye. At first the thought it was from the shifting flames in the wind but then the image resolved into the pointed chin and wide eyes of the boy who'd arrived with Payne. She froze for a moment and then continued zipping up her hoodie. "Hello there, we haven't met you," she called to him over the crackle of the fire. She was more than a little bit curious about the young man.

May. 24th, 2009


Who: Rook & Helena
Where: Grazer island
When: Early morning
Rating: PG

May. 20th, 2009



Who: Cross and Helena
Where: on the island
When: late afternoon
What: Preparing the first meal of the day.

We Walk On Them )

May. 11th, 2009


Vast Emptiness

Who: Cross and Helena
Where: the spindle trees, half a day's walk from Grazer Island
When: evening, shortly before dark
What: preparing to settle in for the night
Rating: PG

the dying light washed everything around it in rose and orange, and it nearly stole his breath )

May. 8th, 2009


Good Morning

Who: Helena and Cross
Where: The Grazer Island Camp
When: Sometime as the sun was rising
What: Waking up, making plans
Rating: PG

Nearly Idyllic )

Apr. 29th, 2009


So Many Plans

Who: Helena and Cross
Where: Grazer Island
What: Now that they have chosen a place, time to draw up a plan of attack.
When: Noonish, Day 17
Rating: PG for wet boys in their undies? *coughs*

So Few Tools )

Apr. 23rd, 2009



Who: Cross and Helena
When: evening, day 16, after the rain begins
Where: the rock ledge
What: an end to anger
Rating: PG

she knew that he had her well-being at heart )

Apr. 21st, 2009


No Way We're Talkin' Through It

Who: Cross and Helena
When: morning
Where: Grazer Island
What: into every life some hot and potentially radioactive space rocks must fall
Rating: G

No Way We're Huggin' It Out )

Apr. 13th, 2009


The Island at Last

Who: Cross and Helena
When: noonish, Day 15
Where: the stream, then Grazer Island
What: arriving
Rating: PG

adventures in tree climbing and swimming )

Apr. 9th, 2009


Quiet In The Dark

Who: Helena and Cross
When: Just about sunset
Where: The stand of spindly trees, half a day from the grazer island.
What: Making camp for the night and spotting something incredible.
Rating: PG

Helena sighed with relief when she shrugged her pack off of her shoulders. Sure, it was only bedding and a few bits and bobs but over the day it had grown rather sodden, weighed down by water. She rubbed away the dig lines from the straps, grateful to be free of it for now. Her feet ached, her legs and back. She was not looking forward to a night sitting awake in a tiny tree.

"So there's a creek just over there?" She jacked a thumb around the edge of this little mini-forest. None of the spindle trees were taller than twenty feet. It was dark and shadowy beneath them though because their branches interwove to form a nearly impenetrable roof. She was fairly sure that, despite the on-again-off-again rain they had all day, it would be fairly dry in their perches tonight. She unzipped the orange hoodie and hung it over a low branch in the hope that it would dry out a bit. "I'm just going to go over there and freshen up a bit." She knew she'd be within sight if he wanted to spot her so she wouldn't get too fresh. More than anything she just wanted to gulp down some water.

incredible things )

Apr. 4th, 2009


Trek to Grazer Island, Day 1

Who: Cross and Helena
What: Walking east toward the lake in the grasslands
When: Beginning at first light on Day 14.
Where: The camp tree and then the path east.
Rating: PG

Helena sighed, feeling bad as she crouched to slip the braided straps of her makeshift bedroll pack on to her thin shoulders. Rook had appeared as she'd climbed down the tree. He'd strapped some bark to his feet and was attempting to lash it on with strips of material. It had been a bit of an argument but she had insisted that he stay behind with Kenneth to help with the projects. To help gather or hunt with the rest of the people staying put. He hadn't liked it, revealing another long stubborn streak amidst the men of this group. In the end she'd just had to be firm about it. She wasn't risking his life on this trip. No way. No how. As Cross had emerged from the bushes with his own bedroll assembled, she had called up a farewell to Kenneth who'd waved from the stream, giving her nod to say that he knew what had to be done. She knew he'd take care of things and it was a relief.

a quick and violent storm )

Apr. 2nd, 2009


You Need A Pack To Take A Walk?

Who: Cross and Helena
Where: the climber tree
When: evening, day 13
What: Getting busted and making plans.
Rating: PG

How Far Ya Walkin' )


How to talk a Marine out of his sidearm

Who: Helena and Kenneth
When: Just after noon on Day 13
What: Helena needs to ask a big favor
Where: Random location upstream from camp
Rating: G so far!

...or not )

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