August 23rd, 2009

[info]wildracer in [info]thefield

Who: Jasper and OPEN
Where: Wandering (very slowly) around the beach
When: Morning
Rating: TBD

Jasper, extremely glad that the pink pollen was gone and, in fact, embracing the general wetness of the weather that day, was limping slowly along the beach, trying to get used to the feeling of walking again.  Because with walking came running, and running was, of course, what she loved to do.  Her little tiff with Alex had been embarrassing but fruitful - if it weren't for that, she wouldn't have bothered even trying to walk.  As it was, the angry stomping hurt but it did give her the realization that she could walk... or, rather, limp... around on her own again.

She picked a few blades of grass and tossed them into the water just to see which way they went - though they didn't go in any particular direction, and kind of scattered, like you'd usually see in a lake.  That kind of annoyed her.  And she wanted to see that big eastern river that was on the map.  And she suspected, only a little bit, that one of those indecipherable squiggles on there meant a camp site - maybe even other people!  That would be exciting.  And extremely useful. 

Hm.  Maybe she should invest some time in making some rain gear, actually.  Jasper eyed the sky irritably.  If it was fall, there was going to be worse weather to come.