November 2nd, 2011

[info]knightofangst in [info]thedeadland

[Backdated to night time of day 2] Attn Lelouch, Fletcher and Patience

Lelouch had finished bandaging Suzaku's leg, Suzaku was still a little confused by his reaction, after all he had given Lelouch a lot of information, including the fact he was dead. Did part of him remember that? Was that why he was so calm?

Or was it just because this was Lelouch and would not show Suzaku his real emotions. A knock on the door startled him and he reached for the helmet putting it back on and going to unlock the door.

[info]ex_counterfe995 in [info]thedeadland

Foraging [open]

There were fewer monsters around at the time Zero and Fletcher had gone out to search for loot. They had plenty of food for now, but they could use clothing, medicine, and the like.

Unfortunately, it didn't stay so calm. As they passed by an abandoned electronics shop, the dead televisions lining the front window suddenly sprung to life, blaring static. Fletcher jumped and let out a small shriek.

And then, the monsters came. Fletcher clung to the bag he was carrying and stepped behind Zero. This wasn't good.

[info]pawntakequeen in [info]thedeadland

action [open]

[Patience spent all the time she had away from her kind but unfamiliar housing-mates working on some weaponry of her own after the oh-so-helpful doctor's kind advice, and she's snuck out on the streets now to use it.

If you venture close, you might note that not only does she have someone's borrowed shoulder bag slung and bulging over her shoulder but her hands are stained rusty up to the middle of her forearm, darker half-moons under her fingernails. A fine spatter of blood on her cheek suggests something has happened, but her frown suggests it was nothing satisfying and the howls are drawing steadily closer no matter what she does.