Nov. 12th, 2011


[ radio / open ]

Regarding the matter of the holes that have mysteriously appeared around the city: Has anybody gone down into them? What have you found? A full-scale investigation is necessary, but we will need to assess the risks before we act.

And second: While many of us are capable of holding our own in a fight, I've noticed that many others are not. For those of you who are not proficient with weaponry, I can try teaching you the magic of my world. I cannot say how well you would be able to use it, being from other realities, but let me know if you are interested.

Nov. 9th, 2011


[ DAY 4 ]

It is noon.

The TVs turn on to static, and the creatures start to attack.

Each monster when killed has a chance of dropping a random item, or a special item: Energy & 5 Fish Scales. Not every kill will drop something, but more likely than not it will drop at least some Energy.

[ ooc: Hi guys! We're testing out something new this week. Please comment in this post to fight the aggressive, Energy-dropping monsters out and about in Asper today! This in lieu of a whole new post for every person who wants to play out their character collecting items/Energy. Thank you. ]

Nov. 7th, 2011


This is new... [ open ]

Anyone headed in or out of Mercy Apartments at around 8 AM might notice Golbez crouched in the middle of the road, peering down into one of the holes that has appeared overnight. He's shining a flashlight down into the darkness, but it really doesn't help much.

Of course, he's not so distracted that someone will be able to sneak into the building without catching his attention, or that monsters will be able to get the drop on him. Actually, he's been at this for maybe a minute at most. Still, this development is rather odd...

Nov. 3rd, 2011


[radio] [action-open!]

Hey! [She stops and giggles, radios are so much fun.] This is Jade Harley!

Uh-- What's that they say? Rodger? Over and out? [More giggling. Teeheehee this is so much fun.]


[if for whatever reason you're out in this godforesaken town, you might find Jade, darting around from building to building, looking for other people! She's being sneaky-sneaky, since she already had to deal with a few monsters, but you can still spot her as she darts around corners and things, her long hood trailing behind her.]

Oct. 11th, 2011


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